
  • 4 289 642
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 122 113 688
    telemetry 1.2.1

    Dynamic dispatching library for metrics and instrumentations

  • 2 778 660
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 25 209 451
    telemetry_metrics 1.0.0

    Provides a common interface for defining metrics based on Telemetry events.

  • 2 631 534
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 24 404 769
    telemetry_poller 1.1.0

    Periodically collect measurements and dispatch them as Telemetry events.

  • 2 410 973
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 125 963 205
    tzdata 1.1.1

    Tzdata is a parser and library for the tz database.

  • 2 217 196
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 118 801 618
    timex 3.7.11

    Timex is a rich, comprehensive Date/Time library for Elixir projects, with full timezone support via the :tzdata package. If you need to ...

  • 2 125 648
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 56 023 574
    tesla 1.11.2

    HTTP client library, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.

  • 968 618
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 19 068 434
    ts_chatterbox 0.15.1

    chatterbox library for http2

  • 896 660
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 4 718 506
    tailwind 0.2.3

    Mix tasks for installing and invoking tailwind

  • 878 824
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 5 890 976
    tls_certificate_check 1.23.0

    CA store + Partial chain handler

  • 845 011
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 64 789 093
    table_rex 4.0.0

    Generate configurable text-based tables for display (ASCII & more)

  • 748 311
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 5 646 976
    telemetry_registry 0.3.2

    Registry and helpers for Telemetry events

  • 673 773
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 5 092 156
    telemetry_metrics_prometheus_core 1.2.1

    Provides a Prometheus format reporter for Telemetry.Metrics definitions.

  • 627 197
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 2 488 106
    thoas 1.2.1

    A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Erlang.

  • 588 204
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 379 201
    thousand_island 1.3.5

    A simple & modern pure Elixir socket server

  • 584 530
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 4 206 715
    telemetry_metrics_statsd 0.7.0

    Telemetry.Metrics reporter for StatsD-compatible metric servers

  • 467 689
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 4 844 505
    typed_struct 0.3.0

    A library for defining structs with a type without writing boilerplate code.

  • 313 005
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 3 659 041
    toml 0.7.0

    An implementation of TOML for Elixir projects

  • 235 189
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 46 984 102
    temp 0.4.7

    An Elixir module to easily create and use temporary files and directories.

  • 226 988
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 2 411 260
    telemetry_metrics_prometheus 1.1.0

    Provides a Prometheus format reporter and server for Telemetry.Metrics definitions.

  • 187 949
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 286 880
    typed_ecto_schema 0.4.1

    A library to define Ecto schemas with typespecs without all the boilerplate code.

  • 170 502
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 882 628
    table 0.1.2

    Unified access to tabular data

  • 123 368
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 735 694
    tz 0.26.6

    Time zone support for Elixir

  • 118 215
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 739 843
    tesla_request_id 0.2.0

    Tesla middleware for adding x-request-id to outgoing requests.

  • 110 922
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 573 311
    trails 2.3.1

    A couple of improvements over Cowboy Routes

  • 81 033
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 707 122
    trie 2.0.7

    Erlang Trie Implementation

  • 59 348
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 247 402
    tokenizers 0.5.0

    Bindings to Hugging Face Tokenizers for Elixir

  • 53 050
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 295 404
    tailwind_formatter 0.4.0

    A Mix formatter that sorts your Tailwind classes

  • 48 057
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 557 605
    towel 0.2.2

    A delightfully simple monad library that's written for Elixir.

  • 47 430
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 329 737
    typable 0.3.0

    Protocol which describes type identifier of Elixir term

  • 44 027
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 376 075
    telepoison 1.3.2

    Telepoison is a opentelemetry-instrumented wrapper around HTTPPoison.

Showing 1–30 packages of 748 total