Elixir interface for the ATECC508A
Bake your projects into a simple executable binary
Various BEAM benchmarks in one place
Send a message to the BEAM from a shell script
Use Bluetooth LE in Elixir
BlueHeron Transport for UART-connected BT modules
BlueHeron Transport for USB-connected BT modules
Use Bosch BMP280, BME280, and BME680 sensors in Elixir
Busybox packaged up as a mix project
A Native Erlang Configurable CRC function generator
Use GPIOs in Elixir
Use I2C in Elixir
Simulated hardware for Elixir Circuits
Use SPI in Elixir
Discover and use UARTs and serial ports in Elixir
Elixir access to hardware GPIO, I2C, and SPI interfaces.
Get a fortune!
Use Dexter Industries' GrovePi+ and GrovePiZero boards and many Grove sensors.
Elixir interface to Linux input event devices
Load, modify and save Intel HEX formatted files
Kiosk System - Raspberry Pi 4 (64-bits)
Kiosk System - Raspberry Pi 5 (64-bits)
A simple, no frills mDNS implementation in Elixir
MIDI synthesizer for Elixir
Local metrics library
Keep your ports contained
The NervesHub client application
The NervesHub CA store
NervesHub Mix command-line interface
NervesHub API client
Manage your Nerves fleet by connecting it to NervesHub
Common modules shared between nerves_hub_link and nerves_hub_link_http
NervesHub Management API client
Simple initialization for devices running Nerves
Manage WiFi network connections.
Elixir support for the NervesKey
PKCS #11 module for using the NervesKey
Functions to drive LEDs on embedded systems
Develop on embedded devices with Livebook and Nerves
Manage network connections.
Discover, setup, and get stats on network interfaces.
A custom shell for debugging and running commands on Nerves devices in a bash-like environment.
Elixir compilers and scripts for building Nerves Systems. For useable system configurations see nerves_system_*
Nerves System - AG150 http://www.logicsupply.com/ag150/?___store=en_us
Nerves System - Alix http://www.pcengines.ch/alix.htm
Nerves System - Lego Mindstorms EV3 http://www.lego.com/en-us/mindstorms/about-ev3
Nerves System - Intel Galileo Gen2 http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/embedded/products/galileo/galileo-overview.html
Nerves System - LinkIt Smart
Nerves System - MangoPi MQ-Pro
Nerves System - NPi i.MX6ULL
Nerves System - OSD32MP1
Nerves System - QEMU Arm
Nerves System - Zero 2 W (64-bits)
Keep time in sync on Nerves devices
NervesTime.RTC implementation for Abracon Real-time Clocks
NervesTime.RTC implementation for Maxim Integrated DS3231 Real-Time Clock
NervesTime.RTC implementations for common NXP chips
Time zones for Nerves
Elixir compilers and scripts for building Nerves Toolchains. For useable toolchain configurations see nerves_toolchain_*
Nerves Toolchain - aarch64_nerves_linux_musl
Nerves Toolchain - armv7-nerves-linux-musleabihf
Nerves Toolchain - riscv64_nerves_linux_musl
Discover and use UARTs and serial ports in Elixir.
Elixir interface to the wpa_supplicant daemon. The wpa_supplicant provides application support for scanning for access points, managing Wi-Fi connections, and handling all of the security and other parameters associated with Wi-Fi.
One address DHCP server
Picam is a library that provides a simple API for streaming MJPEG video and capturing JPEG stills using the camera module on Raspberry Pi devices running Linux.
Pinouts for many embedded devices
Qualcomm MSM Interface in Elixir
Capture the Raspberry Pi's framebuffer
Shoehorn helps you handle OTP application failures
Use Sensirion SHT4X humidity and temperature sensors in Elixir
Use Toolshed for more IEx helpers
Network configuration and management for Nerves
Bridge networking for VintageNet
Direct Ethernet networking for VintageNet
Ethernet networking for VintageNet
Mobile connection support for VintageNet
VintageNet Support for QMI Cellular Modems
WiFi networking for VintageNet
WiFi Setup Wizard that uses VintageNet
Display and control web pages on a local fullscreen browser
Elixir interface to the wpa_supplicant daemon. The wpa_supplicant provides application support for scanning for access points, managing Wi-Fi connections, and handling all of the security and other parameters associated with Wi-Fi.
Elixir time zone support that uses OS-supplied zoneinfo files