WAMP Router
A Phoenix/Elixir application warning manager that helps track and manage application warnings effectively.
A mix task for scaffolding empty workspace projects
Library for handling ranges. Includes Ecto Types for PostgreSQL.
Mix tasks and library for converting jpeg, png, etc images to webp
Mix compiler to generate source files for wx_ex
Warp10 Geo Time Series database client for Elixir
Error handling made readable
A Google Pub/Sub library for Elixir
Mix tasks for creating and running interactive workshops for teaching people how to program in Elixir, and other things.
Gleam bindings for wechat miniprogram, a.k.a weapp
An API client for weather.gov
Display and control web pages on a local fullscreen browser
Ceylan-WOOPER, a Wrapper for Object-Oriented Programming in Erlang, as an OTP active application here (see http://wooper.esperide.org)
Mix tasks to explore module dependencies graph
An Elixir module for sending Wake-on-LAN packets
Time zone by geo coordinates lookup
API wrapper for https://waifuvault.moe/
⚠️ WORK IN PROGRESS: A basic wrapper for the Weather Underground API.
Webdriver protocol for driving web browsers.
Elixir functional programming foundation
Logging utilities
wpcom.ex is the official Elixir library for the WordPress.com REST API.
API client library for any MediaWiki-based site, such as Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons. Provides the Action API, realtime feed ingestion...
Global tasks for interacting with wand
A Gleam client for the Pushover push notification API
WebAssembly is a web DSL for Elixir. You create html structure straight using do blocks. Means, you can intermix html-building blocks wi...
Build, Publish & Deploy Elixir Infrastructure to the Cloud with Docker & Terraform
A gleam package for executing code on remote nodes.
Whisperer provides an unopinionated approach for running multiple agents in Elixir