An Überauth strategy for Zoom authentication.
Unfurl is a structured data extraction tool written in Elixir. It currently supports unfurling oEmbed, Twitter Card, Facebook Open Graph...
An Ueberauth strategy for using Gitlab to authenticate your users.
Erlang common utils
A simple abstraction for standardized observability with telemetry and more.
A color manipulation library designed to work like chroma-js
An Ueberauth strategy for CAS authentication.
An Ueberauth strategy for LinkedIn V2 authentication
Unicode utf-8 functions
Blazing fast and zero dependencies decoding of unicode strings to US-ASCII strings
An Uberauth strategy for VK authentication.
Elixir library for handling uploads with Ecto, Phoenix and Absinthe
Convert coordinates between WGS84 and UTM
An Überauth strategy for using IBMId to authenticate your users.
UAInspector Plug
Ueberauth strategy for use with Northwestern University Agentless SSO
Write less boilerplate and reuse more code in your portfolio of Elixir apps
An Ueberauth strategy for using Slack to authenticate your users
A way to increase Elixir projects readability and maintenance based on Use Cases and Interactors.
UUUIDv7 stands for microUUIDv7 - a version 7 UUID with submicrosecond precision
Music-theoretic LFE modules: notes, intervals, keys, scales, modes, melody-generation, etc.
UeberauthToken provides an oauth2 token authentication strategy leveraging functionality provided by ueberauth
Code formatter on use, import, alias and require
An Uberauth strategy for Bexio authentication.
An opinionated file uploader
Library to parse and validate EDRPOU (unique 8-digit number that identifies legal entities in Ukraine registered in the official business...
Useful Erlang Functions Library
An Überauth strategy for Headhunter authentication.
Überauth strategy for Mastodon and Pleroma.
An Ueberauth strategy for integrating with Hubspot