Better compression for your Phoenix assets.
Very simple plug which reads `X-Forwarded-For` or `Forwarded` header according to rfc7239 and fill `conn.remote_ip` with the root client ip.
A Plug-like pipeline creator
An authentication system generator for Phoenix 1.5
Erlang Priority Queue Implementation
The fastest way to set up OAuth 2.0 server in your Phoenix app
Network packet parsing library
Low level socket operations
Publicist allows developers to test private (defp) functions
Procrastinates work until the last second or until the work load has gotten so big that it has to do it. Just like people!
Elixir Password Generator
BERT encoder/decoder for Phoenix
A plug builder for redirecting requests.
A complimentary UI library for the Phoenix Framework and Phoenix LiveView.
Framework for Phoenix applications to optimize your site for search engines and displaying rich results when your URLs are shared across ...
Some view helpers for phoenix html( truncate, time_ago_in_words, number_with_delimiter, url_for, current_page? )
An application for storing and managing Plug sessions with Mnesia.
Phoenix component that utilizes Lea Verou's autocomplete autosuggest accessible (WCAG 2) Awesomplete widget, featuring dynamic data loading
Tools for analyzing liveviews. Displays the currently-loaded liveview, the socket, the assigns, etc.
PromEx integration for Poolex
A library to validate passwords, with built-in validators for password length as well as the character sets used. Custom validators can a...
An Elixir Library for Plaid's V2 API
Pandex is a lightweight Elixir wrapper for [Pandoc]( Pandex enables you to convert Markdown, CommonMark, HTML, Latex, ...
Pinouts for many embedded devices
External buffer processes to protect against mailbox overflow
Elixir module for generating a simple Prefixed API Key
Rate limiting Plug module based on Redis Lua scripting
HTML sanitizer for Phoenix
A simple implementation of PHPass’ Portable Hash.
Resource routing and REST behaviour for Phoenix applications