A collection of modules that are very close to cryptography but aren't - hence the typo.
Erlang grab bag of useful functions. It should have been called swiss army knife but katanas are deadlier
Konex app hello world.
Markdown parser and html renderer written in Gleam language.
A wrapper around KafkaEx so you can mock it in test.
Keccak-f[1600] asynchronous port driver
Library for using Kalends with Ecto. This lets you save Kalends types in Ecto and work with date-times in multiple timezones.
Progress bar widget for Livebook
Library for interacting with a Keycloak authorization server
DuckDuckGo instant answers integration with Livebook
cURL integration with Kino for Livebook.
Elixir wrapper for a Python process running KuzuDB
Just a SmartCell to run bash scripts in Livebook
Keccak-f[1600] NIF with timeslice reductions for Erlang and Elixir.
A simple Kino for display CodePen pens on Livebook.
Erlang Web Application Server
A search deployment helper library. Aims to bring distributed Sphinx up to the ease of deployment and use of elastic search.
A library for generating unique references
A Korean dictionary based on KRDict Supports multiple languages Requires an API key for KRDict (which is free) Get your ke...
Provides user presence tracking functionality for Livebook applications.
A lightweight Elixir library for defining Kubernetes HTTP probes in Phoenix applications.
Form a simple Erlang cluster easily in Elixir
Function currying in Elixir.
Simple Elixir in-memory Key/Value Store using `cabol/ex_shards`.
A Kafka client for Erlang and Elixir
Render Phoenix function components in Livebook
Keen.io API Client
Protobuf bindings and gRPC clients for the Kujira Blockchain
A Livebook smart cell for fetching rows from Google Sheets.
A Kino designed to record a raw audio stream (no client-side encoding) and emit events.