Crudry is a library for DRYing CRUD.
Coverex is an Elixir Coverage tool used by mix. It provides tables with overviews of module and function coverage data, includings links ...
Idiomatic Elixir client for Cassandra.
Add-on for Credo for checking environment variables that get evaluated at Elixir compile time.
Pooling and sharding connections
Erlang wrapper for Rust's cargo build tool
Thin, error-friendly and testable wrapper for ClamAV
Chameleon is a utility for converting colors from one color model to another. Conversions can be made to/from RGB, CMYK, Hex, HSL, Panton...
A CORS Builder, performing validation and injection of CORS for misp, wisp and any framework!
in-memory cache
Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Elixir
CSVLixir is a CSV reader/writer for Elixir. Reading from files returns a stream of lists. Reading from strings returns a list of lists. ...
A parser for the HTTP Content-Type header.
An Elixir implementation of cuid2 See
A wrapper for starting and stopping a child process in runtime, based on periodic checks
Multi-tenant functions for Ecto. SaaS for Elixir.
Simple case conversion for web applications
A Native Erlang Configurable CRC function generator
Runtime Hot-Code Upgrade support for Elixir
A pure-Elixir embedded key-value database
Elixir macro utilities to make type-based programming easier
Library for dealing with data structures
Bindings for Erlang's ETS tables. Forked and updated from gts.
Elixir library computing simple combination and permutation on Enumerables.
This package provides a client interface to a Stanford CoreNLP Server for natural language processing (NLP) of textual content.
Utilities to organize Phoenix channels.
A concurrency limiter
100% code coverage testing tool forked from parroty/excoveralls
Erlang CSV parser implemented with NIF
Erlang implementation of ZeroMQ Transport Protocol (ZMTP)