TL language parser for Elixir
Generates definitions of various things related to `{:tag, value}` tuples.
Scheduler instrumentation for BEAM in Elixir
Query any Tribes 2 server and retrieve the current map, players, team scores and more!
An Elixir Phoenix component library inspired by [Tremor]( - The react library to build dashboards fast.
Testing tool for web applications
An Elixir bridge to the Rust ThumbHash library.
Just a fault-tolerant Elixir Twitter Streaming Library.
AnimalSounds is an test package for common animal sounds.
TextLocal API for Elixir and Erlang.
Technical analysis library which can be used on stocks/forex/etc.
An Elixir plug to rewrite the value of remote_ip key of Plug.Conn struct if the request comes from a trusted proxy.
Elixir wrapper of YouTube Data API v3
A Elixir wrapper that communicates with the Telegram-CLI.
Gleam based implementation of TentHash for Erlang targets
Error tracking and reporting to a Telegram chat (group or channel) using Tower.
Provides a LiveComponent that renders a HTML5 canvas component for use with Tesserax.
Tempel is a file attachment management for elixir web project
Elixir library for The-Big-Username-Blacklist (Opinionated username blacklist).
Telepath is, in essence, xPath/JsonPath for elixir structs.
Utility functions to deal with Top-Level Domains of the global DNS system. Fetches the current list of TLDs from IANA and makes it acces...
A circuit breaker implementation for Elixir.
Laziness in Elixir
Permission verification library with Phoenix/LiveView direct implementation - The troll must give you permission to pass through the bridge.
GitLab API wrapper in Elixir, named after GitLabs mascot
Ecto support for
Transform map to struct
Auto cleaning and randomly named temporary files
Testing build and publish elixir lib
A Timeular API client.