Captures the environment 📸 at build time and embeds graphs in ExDocs
StrawHat Utilities
Erlang syslog Client Interface
SpawnCoElixir spawns cooperative Elixir nodes that are supervised.
Erlang Process Pool as a Supervisor
Elixir client for the Shopify OAuth API
All-included solution for managing secrets in mix projects
Common functions and macros for Ecto
A combination of a global, distributed process registry and supervisor, rolled into one, friendly API.
Layout and measure the sizes of a strings printed in the terminal!
An XML SAX parser and encoder in Elixir.
A Gleam WebSocket client
An SNMP client library for Elixir, wrapping the Erlang OTP SNMP API and Logic
SDK to make integrations with the Stark Infra API easier.
Swiss is a bundle of extensions to the standard lib.
Verifying requests from Slack
State Machine implementation in Elixir. It's a structure and optionally a gen_statem powered process. It validates states and transit...
Logger formatter focused on structured logs
Comfortable, Explicit, Multi-Layered and Well-Documented Specifications for all your configurations, settings and options
Sends simple messages to Slack channel using webhook API.
Lightweight SRP6/SRP6a (Secure Remote Password) library
An Elixir API for consuming structured input streams
Make your life in Elixir easier
Synchronization primitives for Elixir
STOMP client for Elixir with broker specific addons
Seed data generation for Ecto
Stein contains common helper functions to our projects at SmartLogic.
A library that contains test utilites used in the Smart City project
O Skeleton Elasticsearch ajuda a criar composes para queries feitas usando o Elastix
LiveView tests tend to leak details that distract from the system behavior you're testing. Skip the noise and let the Skipper patch the l...