A wrapper for the Infusionsoft API
A simple Infobip REST API client for Elixir
Scrapes Instagram JSON and HTML endpoints without an API key
An HTTPoison adapter for the Ivar HTTP client
Displays the summary of a Game of Islands.
A set of tools to help you translate your Elixir applications
Generic INI parse
itaco is a wrapper that assists ecto
Library for working with IBAN numbers (parsing, validating and checking and formatting)
Adds `mix` tasks to easily issue (publish) new versions.
Image management tool for Polar
Singularize and pluralize english nouns.
Implements an interval tree using an augmented self-balancing AVL tree with an interval as the data field and a max value tracking the i...
Easy flamegraphs for your application or benchmarks
Web interface for the Game of Islands featuring Vue Components and Vuex.
Automated project configuration with Elixir best practices. Simply run 'mix archive.install hex ironman' once, then in your project run '...
Basic API for interacting with ICON 2.0 blockchain
Helps you connect and work with Imbo
A time- and memory-efficient unordered data structure for positive integers.
Never use IO.inspect again
Interval operations on Decimal, DateTime, Integer, Float, etc. with Ecto support for Postgres Range types, and implementing intervals ove...
Ecto and postgrex support for infinite dates and times.
Erlang jupyter frontend tool to install and run kernels
Asynchronous notification of events on file descriptors
Inspecto (Inspect + Ecto) is a utility to help inspect and summarize your Ecto schemas, giving you an overview of the shape of your datab...
An Elixir library for ISO 8583, Supports message validation, decoding and encoding with custom field data types and length
Elixir SDK for Inngest
Combine Ecto schema and JSON schema with minimal boilerplates.
A simple web framework that serves from the filesystem using Simplates!