Geobox - lookup set of overlapping geohashes within bounding box or radius covering all intersections in given resolution, usefull for pr...
Cloud Deploy API client library.
Model, parser and serializer for gen_dsl
Run Gleam HTTP services with the Cowboy web server
Connectors API client library. Enables users to create and manage connections to Google Cloud services and third-party business applicati...
An opinionated template to create phoenix apps, using live view and tailwind. (Live Dashboard Supported)
A library for type-safe environment variable access.
This library wraps API to integrate with external AI such as openai
PageSpeed Insights API client library.
AlloyDB API client library.
Google Workspace Reseller API client library. Perform common functions that are available on the Channel Services console at scale, like ...
Real-time Bidding API client library.
zlib utilities for Gleam
Batch API client library. An API to manage the running of Batch resources on Google Cloud Platform.
Remote Build Execution API client library. Supplies a Remote Execution API service for tools such as bazel.
Generate metadata of Gleam Records for runtime reflection
Cloud Talent Solution API client library. Cloud Talent Solution provides the capability to create, read, update, and delete job postings,...
Cloud TPU API client library. TPU API provides customers with access to Google TPU technology.
This is a fork of gleeunit that allows it to be called as a library/function with a list of test modules instead of just via CLI.
Transform Erlang or Elixir data into Gleam data
My Business Account Management API client library. The My Business Account Management API provides an interface for managing access to a ...
YouTube Reporting API client library. Schedules reporting jobs containing your YouTube Analytics data and downloads the resulting bulk da...
Redis adapter for Guardian DB
Gleam API Wrapper to Interface with the GroqCloud API
A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages
A generic event consumer behaviour
Firebase Rules API client library. Creates and manages rules that determine when a Firebase Rules-enabled service should permit a request.
GraphQL Elixir implementation
Search Ads 360 API client library. The Search Ads 360 API allows developers to automate uploading conversions and downloading reports fro...
Cloud Debugger API client library. Examines the call stack and variables of a running application without stopping or slowing it down.