Higher-level functionality on top of AMQP
Uniform Resource Name (URN) parsing and validation in Elixir
Collection of effective recipes for building Elixir applications
An Überauth strategy for Stripe authentication.
Elixir package to connect to a running Urbit instance
Tools for tighter (more static) programming in Elixir with a particular focus on distinguishing types of binary data and pushing offensiv...
Library for generation National Bank of Ukraine payment Quick Response Codes
An Ueberauth strategy for using Orcid to authenticate your users via OAuth2.
Tools for UUID generator and utilities aroud it for Elixir.
Exposes Unicode properties needed for layout and analysis.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Cisco Duo to authenticate your users.
A native UI package for Elixir employing NanoVG/OpenGL ES
A set of OTP servers that faciliate live MIDI composition and performance
A package to reduce extended forms of URLs to a canonical reference
Hatena strategy for Ueberauth.
Utilities to work with HTTP in Elixir
Miscellaneous utility modules
An Ueberauth strategy for using Typetalk to authenticate your users
Ueberauth strategy for Zapier OAuth
Ukrainian Cyrillic transliteration to Latin script
Umwelt is an Elixir parser for umwelt.dev
A simple brazillian documents such as CPF and CNPJ utilities library
Library for adding units/dimensions to numeric types.
Unsplash API for Elixir
A hip family of Plugs that mean business.
UIFaces API client for Elixir applications.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Feishu to authenticate your users.
An Uberauth strategy for Xero OAuth2 authentication.
A collection of LiveView components for embedding IEx terminals into web pages.
Safely traverse maps and convert stucts without throwing errors.