
  • 350
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 350
    prefixed_uuid 1.0.0

    UUIDv7 identifiers base62 encoded with a prefix. Based on the blog post by Dan Schultzer:

  • 112
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 52
    ontogen 0.1.2

    A version control system for RDF datasets.

  • 8 250
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 7 194
    tower 0.7.3

    Flexible error tracking and reporting in Elixir

  • 2 596
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 730
    elixir_typeid 0.1.0

    An Elixir implementation of TypeID.

  • 9 904
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 3 252
    kafka_batcher 1.0.2

    Library to increase the throughput of producing messages (coming one at a time) to Kafka by accumulating these messages into batches

  • 1 212
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 156
    icepak 1.0.8

    Image management tool for Polar

  • 1 316
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 332
    ex_toolkit 0.9.10

    Collection of effective recipes for building Elixir applications

  • 98
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 22
    lo_ex 0.0.2

    Library for common Elixir functions.

  • 1 648
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 324
    pakman 8.3.0

    Build tool for

  • 3 900
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 512
    tesla_extra 0.2.0

    Additional Tesla middleware

  • 62
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 10
    flint_ui 0.1.0

    A UI component library for Phoenix LiveView

  • 11 676
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 2 136
    ash_uuid 1.1.2

    Tools for using UUID based id with Ash

  • 3 017
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 499
    idiom 0.6.8

    Modern internationalization library

  • 66
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 12
    tuid 0.1.0

    Tagged, unique ids. K-sortable, based on tagged, base58 encoded UUIDv7 IDs

  • 12 684
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 3 126
    typeid_elixir 1.1.0

    A type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier inspired by Stripe IDs

  • 124
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 18
    typeid 0.2.0

    Type safe ids for Elixir

  • 3 712
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 308
    utilx 0.6.4

    Collection of effective recipes for building Elixir applications

  • 1 507
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 468
    naiveical 0.1.8

    Library to create and edit iCalendar files without parsing.

  • 202
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 28
    solvent 0.3.0

    A fast, in-memory event bus

  • 10 472
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 904
    walex 4.4.0

    Listen to change events on your Postgres tables then perform callback-like actions with the data.

  • 14 637
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 588
    one_piece_commanded 0.21.4

    Extend Commanded package

  • 178 256
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 10 156
    uniq_compat 0.1.1

    An :elixir_uuid compatibility layer for :uniq

  • 25 588
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 6 538
    grax 0.5.0

    A light-weight RDF graph data mapper for Elixir.

  • 32 387
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 6 414
    sparql 0.3.10

    An implementation of SPARQL for Elixir.

  • 35 997
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 516
    straw_hat 0.6.2

    StrawHat Utilities

  • 76 615
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 12 268
    rdf 2.0.1

    An implementation of RDF for Elixir.

  • 226 291
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 54 555
    redis_mutex 1.1.0

    RedisMutex is a library for creating a Redis lock for a single Redis instance

Showing 27 packages of 27 total