Excalidraw integration with Livebook
A collection of utility functions for nested data manipulation in Elixir
The log formatter in GSMLG projects
A library for working with colors. Mixing, comparing, adjusting and more.
A library for serializing and unserializing Erlang terms to and from a binary stream.
A serializer for `Phoenix.Socket` that encodes and decodes messages using BERT (Binary ERlang Term)
An experimental Sketch runtime package, made to work with Lustre!
TUN device support for Elixir
A Gleam library for working with the Sparkplug IoT protocol.
A database migrations tool for Erlang
A database migrations tool for Erlang
A pragmatic wrapper around Mozilla SOPS allowing decryption of secrets at runtime
A websocket client that uses websocat.
Highlight Elixir SDK for capturing logs, spans and metrics
A wrapper around Erlang's set module
A caching solution for Gleam web apps, designed to be used with Wisp.
A library for generating plots in Elixir.
A Elixir library for working with PDFs using poppler rendering library
FLIP animations of elements within LiveView
Converting human-readable time intervals into milliseconds
An Ecto type for locally unique 64-bits IDs generated by multiple Elixir nodes
Library for generation National Bank of Ukraine payment Quick Response Codes
Get more detailed information about current system process
A Phoenix/Elixir application warning manager that helps track and manage application warnings effectively.
An unofficial API client for the Research Organization Registry (ROR)
A library to show milliseconds or `DateTime` values in a human-readable form. It supports multiple locales for flexible internationaliz...
A MySQL / MariaDB database client for Gleam, based on MySQL-OTP. Heavily inspired by POG.
An opinionated wrapper for the Tibber API
Recursively sorts the keys of a map.
Some apps live in only one time zone