
  • 0
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 0
    focus_at_will_ex 0.1.0

    An unofficial API client for

  • 39
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 39
    bootstrap5components 0.5.2

    Phoenix components based on the Bootstrap5 CSS framework.

  • 0
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 0
    ex_imap_codec 0.1.0

    A small wrapper over the rust imap library:

  • 717
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 717
    otel_metric_exporter 0.2.5

    An unofficial OTel-compatible metric exporter

  • 421
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 421
    phoenix_test_playwright 0.5.0

    Execute PhoenixTest cases in an actual browser via Playwright.

  • 7 208
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 355
    bexio_api_client 0.7.1

    Bexio API Client for accessing the API described at

  • 252
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 206
    gleamgen 0.3.6

    Type-safe gleam codegen (in gleam!)

  • 0
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 0
    html_minifier 0.1.2

    An Elixir package that minifies HTML using Rust.

  • 202 065
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 54 931
    ash_authentication 4.5.1

    Authentication extension for the Ash Framework.

  • 1 380
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 1 380
    nldoc_validation 2.0.3

    WCAG validator for the NLdoc specification.

  • 137
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 137
    nldoc_conversion_writer_html 1.0.4

    Logic for writing NLdoc Spec to HTML.

  • 185
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 185
    nldoc_conversion_reader_docx 1.0.8

    Logic for reading Docx into NLdoc Spec.

  • 227
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 227
    nldoc_conversion_writer_tiptap 1.0.5

    Logic for writing NLdoc Spec to Tiptap format.

  • 427 183
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 93 146
    ash_postgres 2.5.3

    The PostgreSQL data layer for Ash Framework

  • 763
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 34
    lcfg 0.6.1

    An Erlang/LFE library for reading and merging Erlang, LFE, and TOML configuration data

  • 254
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 49
    weather_dot_gov 0.5.0

    An API client for

  • 0
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 0
    outerfaces 0.1.0

    Portable, Dynamic Web Applications

  • 0
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 0
    text2html 0.1.0

    Text2Html transform text into HTML..

  • 12 956
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 2 915
    ept_sdk 8.0.0

    An SDK for interacting with the Edge Payment Technologies API

  • 544 924
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 46 603
    git_ops 2.7.0

    A tool for managing the version and changelog of a project using conventional commits.

  • 228
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 228
    kinetic_ecto 1.1.1

    Extensions for Ecto previously used at Kinetic Commerce

  • 8
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 8
    category_theory 1.0.0

    Category theory concepts in gleam.

  • 617
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 147
    routex 1.1.0

    Extension driven superpowers for Phoenix Routes

  • 1 189
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 701
    tower_bugsnag 0.3.4

    Exception tracking and reporting to Insight Hub (formerly BugSnag)

  • 154
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 154
    phoenix_react_server 0.5.0

    Phoenix.React is use for renders React component as Phoenix Component in heex template. Support render_to_string and render_to_static_mar...

  • 259
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 53
    ecto_command 0.2.1

    EctoCommand is a toolkit for mapping, validating, and executing commands received from any source.

  • 1 143
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 363
    doctest 0.10.2

    A library to test Erlang documentation

  • 22
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 22
    multiformats 1.1.0

    Bindings to the js implementation of multiformats

  • 78
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 78
    fixpoint_sat 0.1.4

    SAT Solver

  • 5 171
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 1 158
    fixpoint 0.10.6

    Constraint Programming Solver

Showing 1–30 packages of 17417 total