Mix task which generates a list of message type packages at compile time for Rclex
The goal of ResourcePool (rsrc_pool_ex) Elixir library is reduce the overhead of creating new resources by reusing of the same resources ...
Elixir HTTP Client which supports HTTP 1.1 & HTTP 2 & Websockets. Wrapper over gun (https://github.com/ninenines/gun)
A client library to interact with Rushfiles.
A simple package to collect input from a rotary encoder from a Raspberry Pi or similar device.
Buildroot packages for Redwire Labs Nerves systems
Simple middleware for usage with reactive programming libraries.
RethinkDB Supervised Changefeeds
Generated type specifications for regualar expressions at compile time
Validates and format number of some russian docs
A multilock for redis cluster using lua scripts and given key(s) hopefully with shard key(s)
A rebar plugin to transform RDL files into Erlang modules.
An Elixir client for Regula. Regula is a rule engine server.
Module with helper functions for handling {:ok, value} or {:error, reason} return values
Configuration and infrastructure as code in Elixir
A library for working with the refheap API
令和 for Elixir
For registering processes
Library offering a supervisor with infinite restart functionality and backoff.
Ecto 3 Adapter for the Riak KV database (v 2.0 and upward), representing schemas as CRDTs.
Library and CLI for generating random price quotes
A simple Plug to set the content on the response header for all routes.
Easily generate a random word with their meaning and pronunciation.
a minmal Req plugin for azure storage requests
'Radeon Noise' is going to be a supervisory server to handle Radeon graphics on Linux, acting as an API layer through the amdgpu driver. ...
Fast, simple, and composable deployment library for Elixir.
Explicit recursion inside functions with a recursive block.
reactivehub.io Elixir SDK
A rot13 cipher library
Module for creating and managing red-black trees