Driver for interfacing with the RPLidar A1 360-degree LiDAR sensor
jorel plugin for rebar3
Explicit recursion inside functions with a recursive block.
A library for working with the refheap API
A gleam import sorter.
Reddit API client.
Rollbax integration for Toniq.
Risk engine for giga chad options traders
A forward-chaining rules engine built on an immutable version of the Rete algorithm.
Testing library for mocking Circuits libraries through a sequence of steps.
The `Restarter` allows you to set a retry interval for restarting a child process. The child will be restarted for indefinitely. Useful ...
Map maps from maps/lists to another using JSONPath.
'Radeon Noise' is going to be a supervisory server to handle Radeon graphics on Linux, acting as an API layer through the amdgpu driver. ...
Twitter Client
Stepwise construction of lists with meta data.
Redis pubsub backend for standard logger
Module for encoding integers to Recordlocators and decoding Recordlocators back to integers.
Elixir range utilities: constant-time random sampling and set operations.
Backblaze B2 client.
A rebar plugin to transform RDL files into Erlang modules.
Easily generate a random word with their meaning and pronunciation.
A library to assist with standardizing error results
Mix task which generates a list of message type packages at compile time for Rclex
Make ConfigProvider easier to use with validation.
Write dispatcher which automatically (re)opens file for writing on the basis of pattern and current time
Implementation of the Rendezvous or Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing algorithm
A rebar plugin
Rate limiter and overload protection for erlang and elixir applications.
A simple to use, simple to extend rules engine, written in Elixir.
External API's change resonator