A toolkit for pragmatic Elixir programmers.
Raylib bindings for Elixir
A ref cell library for gleam. The mutable references for the erlang target are implemented with Actors, so are not very performant. They ...
The pipe operator that positions the incoming argument at the end of the argument list.
A Riak client written in Elixir.
An XMPP Client for Elixir
RethinkDB adapter for Ecto
Automatically generate run time type checkers
component rendering library
Node discovery using redis
Implements the Roomba binary protocol. Send and receive binary data using elixir data structures and simple functions.
Library for booking tennis courts on riverplace.sg
Rust powered NIF bindings to Facebook's Zstd library
Manage HTTP cookies and storage for persistent client sessions.
A random number library for Gleam
Middleware for basic logging in Raxx services.
A package to deal with remote data in Gleam
A library to compose multi-step, reversible workflows.
erlang global module impl by redis
Simple binding to read QR codes using Rust rqrr crate. Uses Rustler for bindings.
Just a single module for some simple (not crypto strong) random things, e.g. RandomGib.Get.some_letters(5), RandomGib.Get.one_of(src), Ra...
This is a GenServer-ish implementation RabbitMQ Sender.
A rebar3 plugin for compiling .sql SQL modules
RefInspector Plug
Trie implementation in pure Elixir that supports pattern based lookup and other functionality.
A distributed KV store for Erlang and Elixir.
A simple library for creating and managing reactive state through GenServer processes
A reactive programming library for Elixir. The purpose of this library is to experiment in an academic context.
Redis pool for Elixir. Build on top of eredis and poolboy.
A Richer GitHub API Client.