Fastlane pattern based on Redix.PubSub interface for Elixir
REnum is Enum extended with convenient functions inspired by Ruby and Rails ActiveSupport.
A small library to help with rsa keys and message signing
You need more reagents to conjure this server
React bindings for Gleam! Supports everything modern React provides, with full Gleam Type-Checking system!
Like ActiveResource but for Elixir
ReflectOS - Raspberry Pi 3B, 3B+, Zero 2W
Rete algorithm in Elixir
Data mapper and and DSL for writing queries and interacting with PostgreSQL databases in Erlang
ReflectOS Console is a web app that allows users to arrange their ReflectOS dashboard, configure section, switch layouts and much more. ...
Generate HTML views from `.eex` template files for Raxx web applications.
Extension driven superpowers for Phoenix Routes
ReflectOS Core contains the set of sections, layouts, and layout managers which ship with the prebuild ReflectOS Firmware.
An Ecto wrapper for RavenDB
Elixir library using a Pratt Parser algorithm to calculate dice rolls.
An erlang ETS cache with TTL.
Job command language to query and flow control event streams
An elixir plug that kills long running Phoenix controllers before they take your node down. A kind of circuit breaker.
A fixed-size ordered set of complex terms.
A super simple RSS feed builder
ReflectOS - Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W
A configurable stats provider
Rust powered NIF bindings to Facebook's RocksDB
NIFs for repojecting points with proj4. Inspiration from greenelephantlabs/proj4erl.
ReflectOS - Raspberry Pi 3 A+ and Zero 2 W
Reginald is a simple distributed registry built in pure Elixir on top of the built-in Erlang `:pg` module.
Random User API client for Elixir applications.
A Client for the Rainforest Automation Raven USB SMCD (Smart Meter Connected Device)
common relation operations for Relational database