A mix task that counts directories, files, lines of code, modules, functions etc and displays the results.
A small server to generate on demand mock servers based on a specification
Simple helper function to delete nil items from a map recursively.
Provides functions for reading Multi-Stream Format (MSF) files, which are the backing format for file types such as PDB.
A simple interface for Google Maps Distance Matrix Api
A macro to create compile-time-expanded maps.
A library for creating and manipulating Merkle Trees.
Mnesia Post-Partition Recover
compile-time serialization
Metrics Client
Define easily :call and :cast, :info functions when using gen_server in elixir.
Memory handling for hashs and references
Ethereum client in Elixir
Simple library to work with milliseconds. Convert text to milliseconds: convert("2d") Convert milliseconds to text: convert(8640000...
Create an interactive dependency graph for any hex package published in hex.pm
Service mesh support
Service mesh distribution module
Mason uses superpowers to coerce maps into structs. This is helpful e.g. when you interface a REST API and want to create a struct from t...
Static Blog Generator
The unified API for building rich integrations with multiple Applicant Tracking System platforms.
Elixir ecto 3 adapter for mnesia.
A project to explore mars field using probes
Logger formatter to print message and metadata in a single-line json
A Markdown parser and renderer written in Erlang during SpawnFest 2021.
Nothing to see here yet
Function mocking library
A memcache storage for memo library
A collection of useful functions that aren't found in Elixir's `Enum`.
Maintainable data validation.
Membrane Multimedia Framework (Raw video format definition)