Extends your Ecto schemas with convenience functions so that you can focus on your domain logic instead of plumbing.
Provides a custom notifier for the Boom Notifier package. It allows sending slack messages whenever an exception is raised in your phoeni...
An API facade for a private biometrics service.
Kubernetes Admission Webooks Plug
Base32H for Elixir
High Performance Erlang HTTP 1.1 Client
Boxicon is surface component library that wraps the amazing boxicons library.
Conveniences for working with Elixir
Print all messages sent or received by a process.
Builds dynamic Ecto queries based on given parameters, allowing developers to retrieve data flexibly without writing custom queries for e...
OTP logger backend that sends log events to BetterStack Logs.
Barrel-db HTTP API Elixir client
Precompiler to make new code work with old Elixir versions
Get brand, card type and country by first digits of a bank card.
Encode and decode data following the Base45 standard (RFC 9285)
A library for detecting programming languages in your project.
Pure Elixir encoder/decoder for BCS format.
JMES implements JMESPath, a query language for JSON (BPXE's fork)
Create bootstrap 4 friendly forms with ease. Build on tope of Phoenix.Form
A terminal layout rendering library.
Behavior3 runtime library for Erlang (Behavior Trees for Erlang)
Native functions for bandit
ButlerCowsay plugin for Butler SlackBot
Pure Elixir implementation of the BORSH binary serializer.
Brandon Pollack's basic elixir template for new projects.
Library to allow elixir apps to easily use the BitPay REST API to authenticate, generate invoices, and retrieve invoices. Includes Utili...
Elixir library for the Battle.net API.
a library to handle bencode in elixir
Provides Phoenix-specific Bootleg tasks.