A lightweight library for creating and verifying ALTCHA challenges.
address formatting implemetation
Plain-text, version-controlled blogging in Arcdown and Markdown.
Aliyun Utils
A TD Ameritrade Client for Elixir
Elixir plug to protect your APIs from Host header attacks.
Elixir client for the Attentive API
An Elixir driver for ArangoDB.
Addressbook API
A library tracking how many visitors a Phoenix-based application receives per day without collecting any data from the user
argo: Erlang implementation of Argo for GraphQL
auth plug
Sorts and groups aliases in Elixir files.
Arke project generator. Provides a `mix arke.new` task to bootstrap a new Elixir application with Arke dependencies.
Simple convention and DSL for transformation of elixir functions to a documented and ready for validation API.
Comprehensive Cryptography Library for Elixir
A collection of light and simple utility functions for Elixir
SaaS Library for Ecto applications using Postgres or Mysql
Argon2 password hashing for Gleam.
Erlang libsodium (NaCl) bindings
Webpack asset imports in Elixir code. For example in Phoenix controllers/views/templates or LiveView's.
Minimalist Phoenix replacement for distributed (not server-centric) web.
Helpers for solving AoC in a LiveBook
AltworxBook provides function to interact with Altworx from Livebook notebooks.
Universal archive library
Anka and its binding projects provide base model structure and macros to increase modularity of Elixir projects with DRY principle.
The anaphoric macro collection for Elixir
A library for retrying work again... and again... and again...
A package for automatic, comprehensive querying of Absinthe GraphQL schemas (for purposes of easily creating automatic testing setups).
Azure storage