
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
328 667 308

  • acceptor_pool1.0.0

    18 970 859 Downloads

    A tcp acceptor pool library

  • augle0.3.0

    10 826 Downloads

    Google service account access token handling

  • basho_exometer_core1.0.5

    56 159 Downloads

    Code instrumentation and metrics collection package.

  • basho_folsom0.7.5

    2 969 Downloads

    Folsom metrics library

  • basho_poolboy0.8.4

    40 433 Downloads

    A hunky Erlang worker pool factory

  • basho_stats1.0.3

    51 424 Downloads

    Basic Erlang statistics library

  • bitcask2.0.2

    3 155 Downloads

    Bitcask key value store

  • blume0.1.1

    51 272 Downloads

    Pure erlang bloom Filters

  • chash0.1.2

    57 990 Downloads

    Riaks CHash implementation

  • chatterbox0.8.0

    144 653 Downloads

    chatterbox library for http2

  • clique3.0.1

    67 015 Downloads

    A CLI library for erlang

  • covertool2.0.6

    8 257 301 Downloads

    Build tool & plugin for generating Cobertura XML reports

  • ctx0.6.0

    20 190 481 Downloads

    Context carries request scoped values and deadlines

  • cuttlefish3.2.0

    622 963 Downloads

    cuttlefish configuration abstraction

  • docker_compose_cth0.3.0

    4 093 Downloads

    A Common Test hook for starting and stopping docker-compose services

  • edis_proto0.2.0


    Allow erlang/BEAM applications to expose a Redis compatible protocol

  • eleveldb2.2.20

    131 367 Downloads

    Erlang LevelDB API

  • elli3.3.0

    303 127 Downloads

    Erlang web server for HTTP APIs

  • elli_json0.1.0


    Encode elli response bodies as JSON

  • elli_log_exceptions0.1.0

    2 298 Downloads

    Elli middleware that will log the exceptions.

  • elli_otter0.2.0


    OpenTracing instrumentation of Elli

  • enotify0.1.0

    1 202 669 Downloads

    Filesystem listener

  • episcina1.1.0

    14 601 Downloads

    Erlang Connection Pool

  • epmdless0.3.0

    105 207 Downloads

    EPMDLess application (allows connecting erlang nodes without EPMD)

  • epubnub0.1.0


    Erlang PubNub API

  • erlastic_search1.5.0

    409 258 Downloads

    An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.

  • erlware_commons1.7.0

    3 108 151 Downloads

    Additional standard library for Erlang

  • eunit_formatters0.5.0

    717 078 Downloads

    Better output for eunit suites

  • exometer_core2.0.0

    1 263 502 Downloads

    Code instrumentation and metrics collection package.

  • gen_flow0.0.5

    10 325 Downloads

    Generic abstraction for building dataflow computations.

  • getopt1.0.3

    12 727 469 Downloads

    Command-line options parser for Erlang

  • goldrush0.1.9

    15 053 072 Downloads

    Erlang event stream processor

  • grpc_lib0.1.2

    2 302 Downloads

    Shared functions for grpc and grpc_client

  • grpcbox0.17.1

    18 987 267 Downloads

    Erlang grpc library based on chatterbox

  • grpcbox_plugin0.9.0

    2 340 558 Downloads

    Rebar3 plugin to generate behaviours for grpc services

  • hdr_histogram0.5.0

    15 586 Downloads

    High Dynamic Range Histogram Erlang/OTP library

  • hpack_erl0.3.0

    36 357 924 Downloads

    HPACK Implementation

  • ishikawa0.0.3


    Tagged reliable causal broadcast.

  • jam1.0.0

    21 677 Downloads

    An Erlang date/time processing library

  • jch0.2.3

    140 885 Downloads

    A Jump Consistent Hash library

  • jsonlog0.1.0

    57 740 Downloads

    A custom formatter for the logger application that turns maps into json logs

  • jsx3.1.0

    62 327 173 Downloads

    a streaming, evented json parsing toolkit

  • kuberl0.2.0


    Erlang Kubernetes client

  • lager3.9.2

    12 486 803 Downloads

    Erlang logging framework

  • lasp0.10.0

    6 475 Downloads

    Declarative, distributed, eventually consistent compuations.

  • lasp_pg0.1.0

    3 439 Downloads

    Process groups for Lasp

  • lasp_support0.1.0

    12 433 Downloads

    Support libraries for Lasp from Riak Core.

  • oc_google_reporter0.4.0

    1 663 Downloads

    OpenCensus reporter for Google Trace v1 and v2

  • opencensus0.9.3

    1 146 200 Downloads

    Erlang stats collection and distributed tracing framework

  • opencensus_elixir0.5.0

    872 540 Downloads

    Elixir library for OpenCensus tracing

  • opencensus_elli0.4.0

    1 148 Downloads

    Elli instrumentation for OpenCensus stats and tracing

  • opencensus_erlang_prometheus0.3.2

    77 742 Downloads


  • opencensus_phoenix0.2.0

    88 902 Downloads

    Integration between OpenCensus and Phoenix

  • opencensus_plug0.3.0

    267 376 Downloads

    Integration between OpenCensus and Plug

  • opencensus_service0.1.0

    6 177 Downloads

    OpenCensus reporter for grpc OpenCensus service

  • opencensus_tesla0.2.1

    61 478 Downloads

    Tesla middleware for OpenCensus tracing

  • opencensus_zipkin0.3.0

    208 656 Downloads

    OpenCensus Zipkin reporter

  • opentelemetry_absinthe2.3.0

    335 379 Downloads

    OpentelemetryAbsinthe is a OpenTelemetry instrumentation library for Absinthe.

  • opentelemetry_experimental0.5.1

    23 100 Downloads

    Implementation of unstable OpenTelemetry signals

  • opentelemetry_instrumentation_http0.1.0


    OpenTelemetry Instrumentation utilities for HTTP libraries

  • opentelemetry_semantic_conventions0.2.0

    3 911 040 Downloads

    OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions

  • partisan4.1.0

    14 946 Downloads

    Partisan is a scalable and flexible, TCP-based membership system and distribution layer for the BEAM.

  • pbkdf22.0.0

    276 047 Downloads

    Erlang PBKDF2 Key Derivation Function

  • pc1.15.0

    29 097 498 Downloads

    a rebar3 port compiler for native code

  • pg_types0.4.0

    29 302 Downloads

    Erlang library for encoding and decoding postgres data types

  • pgo0.14.0

    32 171 Downloads

    Postgres client with connection pool

  • picosat0.1.0


    Erlang bindings for PicoSAT

  • plumtree0.6.0

    9 713 Downloads

    Epidemic Broadcast Trees

  • providers1.9.0

    7 986 613 Downloads

    Providers provider.

  • rand_compat0.0.3

    281 805 Downloads

    Erlang 18 random compatibility library.

  • rebar3_auto0.5.1

    1 171 776 Downloads

    Rebar3 plugin for auto compiling on changes

  • rebar3_cuttlefish0.16.0

    158 239 Downloads

    A rebar plugin

  • rebar3_elixirc0.1.0


    A rebar plugin

  • rebar3_hex7.0.8

    36 982 359 Downloads plugin for rebar3

  • rebar3_neotoma_plugin0.2.0

    5 459 137 Downloads

    Neotoma rebar plugin

  • rebar3_run0.5.0

    733 352 Downloads

    A rebar plugin

  • rebar3_vendor0.4.0

    132 801 Downloads

    Rebar3 plugin for vendoring dependencies.

  • rebar_alias0.2.0

    167 871 Downloads

    Alias rebar3 tasks to one command.

  • rebar_covertool1.3.0

    650 530 Downloads

    Covertool Build Plugin for Cobertura XML reports

  • rebar_mix0.5.1

    97 298 Downloads

    A rebar plugin for building Elixir dependencies with mix

  • rebar_prv_mlfe0.3.0


    A rebar plugin

  • redo2.0.1

    42 792 Downloads

    Pipelined Redis Erlang Driver

  • relx4.9.0

    1 576 978 Downloads

    Release assembler for Erlang/OTP Releases

  • riak_ensemble2.1.3

    3 075 Downloads

    Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang

  • riak_ensemble_ng2.4.4

    47 794 Downloads

    Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang

  • time_compat0.0.1

    59 078 Downloads

    Erlang 18 time compatibility library.

  • ts_chatterbox0.15.1

    19 068 434 Downloads

    chatterbox library for http2

  • types0.1.8

    57 842 Downloads

    Conflict-free Replicated Data Types

  • wts0.4.0

    1 183 763 Downloads

    Timestamp support functions

Tristan Sloughter