A tcp acceptor pool library
Google service account access token handling
Code instrumentation and metrics collection package.
Folsom metrics library
A hunky Erlang worker pool factory
Basic Erlang statistics library
Bitcask key value store
Pure erlang bloom Filters
Riaks CHash implementation
chatterbox library for http2
A CLI library for erlang
Build tool & plugin for generating Cobertura XML reports
Context carries request scoped values and deadlines
cuttlefish configuration abstraction
A Common Test hook for starting and stopping docker-compose services
Allow erlang/BEAM applications to expose a Redis compatible protocol
Erlang LevelDB API
Erlang web server for HTTP APIs
Encode elli response bodies as JSON
Elli middleware that will log the exceptions.
OpenTracing instrumentation of Elli
Filesystem listener
Erlang Connection Pool
EPMDLess application (allows connecting erlang nodes without EPMD)
Erlang PubNub API
An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.
Additional standard library for Erlang
Better output for eunit suites
Code instrumentation and metrics collection package.
Discover, connect and reconnect Erlang nodes
Generic abstraction for building dataflow computations.
Command-line options parser for Erlang
Erlang event stream processor
Shared functions for grpc and grpc_client
Erlang grpc library based on chatterbox
Rebar3 plugin to generate behaviours for grpc services
High Dynamic Range Histogram Erlang/OTP library
HPACK Implementation
Tagged reliable causal broadcast.
An Erlang date/time processing library
A Jump Consistent Hash library
A custom formatter for the logger application that turns maps into json logs
a streaming, evented json parsing toolkit
Erlang Kubernetes client
Erlang logging framework
Declarative, distributed, eventually consistent compuations.
Process groups for Lasp
Support libraries for Lasp from Riak Core.
OpenCensus reporter for Google Trace v1 and v2
Erlang stats collection and distributed tracing framework
Elixir library for OpenCensus tracing
Elli instrumentation for OpenCensus stats and tracing
Integration between OpenCensus and Phoenix
Integration between OpenCensus and Plug
OpenCensus reporter for grpc OpenCensus service
Tesla middleware for OpenCensus tracing
OpenCensus Zipkin reporter
OpentelemetryAbsinthe is a OpenTelemetry instrumentation library for Absinthe.
Implementation of unstable OpenTelemetry signals
OpenTelemetry Instrumentation utilities for HTTP libraries
Partisan is a scalable and flexible, TCP-based membership system and distribution layer for the BEAM.
Erlang PBKDF2 Key Derivation Function
a rebar3 port compiler for native code
Erlang library for encoding and decoding postgres data types
Postgres client with connection pool
Erlang bindings for PicoSAT
Epidemic Broadcast Trees
Providers provider.
Erlang 18 random compatibility library.
Rebar3 plugin for auto compiling on changes
A rebar plugin
A rebar plugin
Hex.pm plugin for rebar3
Neotoma rebar plugin
A rebar plugin
Rebar3 plugin for vendoring dependencies.
Alias rebar3 tasks to one command.
Covertool Build Plugin for Cobertura XML reports
A rebar plugin for building Elixir dependencies with mix
A rebar plugin
Pipelined Redis Erlang Driver
Release assembler for Erlang/OTP Releases
Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang
Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang
Erlang 18 time compatibility library.
chatterbox library for http2
Conflict-free Replicated Data Types
Timestamp support functions