
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
8 131 235

  • deque1.2.0

    268 699 Downloads

    Fast bounded deque using two rotating lists.

  • eakins0.0.5


    A library that connects images in your ecto schemas to an image resizing proxy.

  • elixometer1.5.0

    88 022 Downloads

    Elixometer is a light wrapper around exometer that defines and subscribes metrics automatically to the configured reporter.

  • erlpack1.0.0

    101 299 Downloads

    High Performance Erlang Term Format Packer

  • ex_hash_ring6.0.4

    2 132 806 Downloads

    A fast consistent hash ring implementation in Elixir.

  • fastglobal1.0.0

    693 145 Downloads

    Fast no copy globals for Elixir & Erlang.

  • instruments2.2.0

    2 303 329 Downloads

    A small, fast, and unobtrusive metrics library

  • lexical_credo0.5.0

    58 383 Downloads

    A plugin for the lexical language server that enables Credo checks

  • lexical_plugin0.5.0

    58 350 Downloads

    The package you need to build plugins for the lexical language server

  • lexical_shared0.5.0

    58 237 Downloads

    Shared data structures and protocols for the lexical language server

  • loqui0.4.5

    839 113 Downloads

    An RPC Transport Layer - with minimal bullshit.

  • manifold1.6.0

    225 633 Downloads

    Fast batch message passing between nodes for Erlang/Elixir.

  • semaphore1.3.0

    1 303 679 Downloads

    Fast semaphore using ETS.

Steve Cohen