
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
16 178 209

  • aleppo0.9.0

    5 632 Downloads

    Aleppo: ALternative Erlang Pre-ProcessOr

  • basho_exometer_core1.0.5

    56 159 Downloads

    Code instrumentation and metrics collection package.

  • basho_folsom0.7.5

    2 969 Downloads

    Folsom metrics library

  • basho_poolboy0.8.4

    40 433 Downloads

    A hunky Erlang worker pool factory

  • basho_stats1.0.3

    51 424 Downloads

    Basic Erlang statistics library

  • bcrypt1.2.2

    356 826 Downloads

    An Erlang wrapper (NIF or port program) for the OpenBSD password scheme, bcrypt.

  • bitcask2.0.2

    3 155 Downloads

    Bitcask key value store

  • blume0.1.1

    51 272 Downloads

    Pure erlang bloom Filters

  • bugsnag_erl1.1.6

    14 307 Downloads

    Bugsnag notifier

  • cf0.3.1

    3 326 505 Downloads

    Terminal colour helper

  • chash0.1.2

    57 990 Downloads

    Riaks CHash implementation

  • clique3.0.1

    67 015 Downloads

    A CLI library for erlang

  • cowboy_oauth0.2.14

    1 350 Downloads

    OAuth2 endpoints for cowboy and snarl.

  • cuttlefish3.2.0

    622 963 Downloads

    cuttlefish configuration abstraction

  • ddb_client0.5.9

    16 909 Downloads

    DalmatinerDB client

  • ddb_connection0.4.4

    12 650 Downloads

    DDB client connection

  • dflow0.3.0

    3 813 Downloads

    Pipelined flow processing engine

  • dhcp1.0.0


    dhcp server implemetnation

  • dp_decoder0.2.17

    6 529 Downloads

    Collection of decoders for different metric protocols

  • dproto0.5.6

    17 422 Downloads

    Protocols for dalmatinerdb

  • dqe0.4.15

    15 514 Downloads

    DalmatinerDB query engine

  • dqe_fun0.2.1

    4 883 Downloads

    An OTP application

  • dqe_idx0.4.4

    12 081 Downloads

    Dalmatiner QE indexing

  • dqe_idx_ddb0.5.2

    10 560 Downloads

    DDB driven indexer for Dalmatiner Query engine

  • dqe_idx_pg0.5.7

    21 567 Downloads

    Postgresql backend for DFE indexinge

  • e2qc1.2.1

    9 437 Downloads

    2q cache

  • ebitmap0.2.3

    4 922 Downloads

    An erlang library for working with bitmaps

  • ekstat0.2.2


    libkstat interface for erlang

  • ensq0.1.7

    1 252 Downloads

    Erlang client for NSQ

  • eplugin0.1.4

    1 073 Downloads

    plugin provider for erlang

  • erlang_localtime1.0.0

    77 925 Downloads

    Erlang library for conversion from one local time to another

  • erltrace0.1.6

    2 181 Downloads

    erlang dtrace consumer.

  • erlydtl0.14.0

    945 533 Downloads

    Django Template Language for Erlang

  • erlydtl20.11.1

    10 545 Downloads

    Django Template Language for Erlang

  • erocksdb0.4.1

    4 078 Downloads

    RocksDB for Erlang

  • esel0.1.2

    1 514 Downloads

    An wrapper around openssl

  • estore0.1.10

    3 764 Downloads

    Simple event store

  • exometer_core2.0.0

    1 263 502 Downloads

    Code instrumentation and metrics collection package.

  • fifo_db0.2.8

    2 884 Downloads

    Project-FiFo db wrapper

  • fifo_dt0.2.26

    8 271 Downloads

    FiFo datatype collection

  • fifo_lager0.1.8

    5 001 Downloads

    Lager config and dependencies

  • fifo_s30.2.15

    5 576 Downloads

    S3 storange client library for erlang

  • fifo_spec0.1.34

    3 843 Downloads

    Specs for FiFo APIs

  • fifo_utils0.1.53

    15 593 Downloads

    FiFo utility library

  • folsom_ddb0.3.1

    7 462 Downloads

    DalmatinerDB backend to store folsom metrics

  • fqc0.1.7

    1 447 Downloads

    FiFo EQC helper

  • gen_fsm_compat0.3.0

    379 351 Downloads

    gen_fsm backwards compatibility

  • hdr_histogram0.5.0

    15 586 Downloads

    High Dynamic Range Histogram Erlang/OTP library

  • jam1.0.0

    21 677 Downloads

    An Erlang date/time processing library

  • jesse1.8.0

    1 122 666 Downloads

    jesse (JSon Schema Erlang) is an implementation of a JSON Schema validator for Erlang.

  • jsxd0.2.4

    26 484 Downloads

    jsx data structire traversing and modification library.

  • k6_bytea1.1.5

    1 103 Downloads

    A mutable byte array for Erlang.

  • lager_graylog1.1.0

    9 065 Downloads

    lager backends sending log messages to Graylog

  • lager_logstash_backend0.1.3

    5 123 Downloads

    Lager Logstash Logging Backend

  • lager_watchdog0.1.10

    1 079 Downloads

    lager provider to send data to watchdog.

  • libchunter0.1.52

    3 114 Downloads

    Chunter interface library.

  • libhowl0.1.42

    2 767 Downloads

    howl client library

  • libleofs0.1.3

    1 021 Downloads

    LeoFS management library.

  • libsnarl0.3.55

    4 969 Downloads

    snarl interface library

  • libsnarlmatch0.1.8

    4 948 Downloads

    permission matcher library

  • libsniffle0.3.71

    6 788 Downloads

    Sniffle API

  • luerl1.2.0

    154 489 Downloads

    Luerl - an implementation of Lua on Erlang

  • mcache0.3.1

    2 325 Downloads

    Efficient metric memory cache

  • mdns_client0.1.10

    5 405 Downloads

    mDNS service discovery client

  • mdns_client_lib0.1.46

    8 380 Downloads

    client lib for mdns aware tcp servers

  • mdns_server0.2.0

    2 219 Downloads

    mDNS service discovery server

  • mdns_server_lib0.2.3

    2 419 Downloads

    server side for mdns client server implementation

  • mmath0.2.26

    16 834 Downloads

    math library for metric sequences and binary arrays.

  • mstore0.3.7

    8 455 Downloads

    Fast, flat metric store.

  • mstore_inspector0.1.1


    An escript

  • oauth2_erlang0.6.1

    3 091 Downloads

    Erlang OAuth 2.0 implementation

  • otters0.2.10

    6 185 Downloads

    OpenTracing Toolkit for Erlang

  • otterx0.1.0


    OpenTracing library for Elixir

  • pbkdf22.0.0

    276 047 Downloads

    Erlang PBKDF2 Key Derivation Function

  • pgapp0.0.2

    10 951 Downloads

    epgsql application

  • qdate0.7.2

    198 790 Downloads

    Simple Date and Timezone handling for Erlang

  • rankmatcher0.1.6

    2 048 Downloads

    Library to rank and match lists

  • rebar3_lint3.2.6

    5 093 784 Downloads

    Erlang linter - rebar3 plugin

  • rebar_eqc0.1.0

    18 615 Downloads

    Plugin to run EQC properties

  • rebar_erl_vsn0.2.2

    689 630 Downloads

    defines for erlang versions

  • riak_core_ng3.1.1

    34 140 Downloads

    Riak Core

  • riak_dt2.1.1

    94 638 Downloads

    riak CTDT datatypes

  • riak_ensemble2.1.3

    3 075 Downloads

    Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang

  • riak_ensemble_ng2.4.4

    47 794 Downloads

    Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang

  • riak_sysmon2.1.7

    123 107 Downloads

    Rate-limiting system_monitor event handler

  • smurf0.1.3

    1 564 Downloads

    SMF interfacing library for erlang

  • snappiest1.2.0

    4 703 Downloads

    Snappy as nif for Erlang

  • sqlmig0.1.5

    3 496 Downloads

    SQL migration toolkit

  • sync0.4.1

    593 644 Downloads

    Sync - Automatic Code Reloader

  • termcap0.1.0

    6 596 Downloads

    Pure erlang termcap library

  • yubico0.1.5

    2 903 Downloads

    Client implementing the Yubico Validation Protocol Version 2.0.