Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir.
Stream based XML Sitemap generator
Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir.
AWS S3 client-side encryption support
SSM client which handles CRUD operations to interact with AWS SSM Parameter Store
A unified interface for file storage backends.
ExTealDirectUpload is a tool for managing images and files with direct upload to s3 and imgix proxying
Plug for handling the creation of presigned urls for direct client-side uploading
Package to allow uploading to multiple different asset storage through 1 api. Configurable through env vars.
Open-source Content Management System (CMS) built with Phoenix LiveView. Faster render times to boost SEO performance, even for the most ...
A Utilitary package functionalities modules for improve a secure performatic development.
Package containing all AMI Models shared between micro-services.
Easy publishing to many different targets. Supported back-ends: - Rabbit [Amqp](https://hexdocs.pm/amqp/) - Redis [Redix](https://hexdo...
Pre-signed S3 upload helper for client-side multipart POSTs, using ExAWS for authentication. Allows use of Instance Role for authentication.
Elixir library for handling uploads with Ecto, Phoenix and Absinthe
Amazon S3 (or compatible) storage backend for the Tus server (https://hex.pm/packages/tus)
File uploads for Elixir.
Extensible Elixir OTP Application for storing files through a unified API. Backends currently exist for the local filesystem, SFTP and t...
Efficient and fast generation of sitemaps.
Store remote data as a persistent_term.
Stein contains common helper functions to our projects at SmartLogic.
A PETAL-stack batteries-included boilerplate for making Phoenix apps without tedium.
helper functions for using AWS rekognition - in elixir
Build tool for opsmaru.com
An opinionated file uploader
A file attachment/storage library for Elixir
A library which allows for file storage compatible with Ruby's activestorage gem
An Elixir based HTTP load & performance testing framework
Stein.Storage contains common storage functions for our projects at SmartLogic.
An AWS SQS <-> SNS data processing pipeline built on Broadway.