Interact with ADS1115 or ADS1015 Analog-to-Digital Chips
Read temperature and humidity from AHT20 sensor in Elixir
Nerves tooling for the AM62 dev kits
Use APDS9960 color, proximity and gesture sensor in Elixir
Elixir interface for the ATECC508A
Use BH1750 16-bit ambient light sensor in Elixir
Use Bosch BMP280, BME280, and BME680 sensors in Elixir
Use Bosch environment sensors in Elixir
An helper library to 'breadboarding' with Elixir with a single-board computer using `Elixir Circuits`
BrightPi is a library to talk to the "Pi Supply Bright Pi" board featuring 4 white LEDs and 4 pairs of two infrared LEDs.
Driver for CCS811 Ultra-Low Power Digital Gas Sensor for Monitoring Indoor Air Quality
Simulated hardware for Elixir Circuits
Driver for the Grove Multichannel Gas Sensor v2
A framework for using Seeed Studio's Grove System, a standardized hardware prototyping system, with Elixir on embedded hardware with Nerves.
I2C interface to HDC1000 sensor
An Elixir library for working with the HTS221 sensor
Wrap an I2C device in a separate process per I2C bus
Provides a driver for INA219-based voltage and current sensors connected via I2C
I2C driver for the IS31FL3733 12x16 dot matrix LED driver.
Use character liquid crystal display (LCD) in Elixir
Driver for the MAX17040 and MAX17041 lithium battery monitoring ICs
Driver for the MPL3115A2 altimeter connected via I2C.
Develop on embedded devices with Livebook and Nerves
NervesTime.RTC implementation for Abracon Real-time Clocks
NervesTime.RTC implementation for Maxim Integrated DS3231 Real-Time Clock
NervesTime.RTC implementations for common NXP chips
Elixir library to interface with the VL53L0X Time-of-Flight sensor
Elixir library to interface with the VL6180X Time-of-Flight sensor
OLED is a library to manage the monochrome OLED screen based on chip SSD1306. Implements a Scenic driver but also set of graphic primitve...
Driver for PCA9641 2-channel I2C bus master arbiter chip