Gleam S3 API client, suitable for AWS S3, Garage, Minio, Storj, Backblaze B2, Cloudflare R2, Ceph, Wasabi, and so on!
An ETS-based implementation of the token bucket algorithm
MavuBuckets: DB-backed Key/Value Storage for mavu_* projects
Storage Transfer API client library. Transfers data from external data sources to a Google Cloud Storage bucket or between Google Cloud S...
A bucket-based rate limit algorithm with support for clusters
Throttlex is a rate limiter based on leaky bucket algorithms.
Odo is a simple GenServer based token bucket which can be used for communicating with remote APIs. It lets you know when it's safe to pr...
Implements a token-based rate limiter using the leaky bucket algorithm, ideal for controlling access rates to resources in Elixir applica...
Token bucket rate limiter written in elixir with configurable backends
Cloud provider agnostic file storage.
Bucketier is a simple dictionary application you can use to store data in a simple _Bucket_ (Key/Value store).
Cloud Storage for Firebase API client library. The Cloud Storage for Firebase API enables programmatic management of Cloud Storage bucket...
Implements a retry budget and token bucket for retriable function execution
Rate limiter based on Token Bucket algoritm
Create hooks for Bitbucket.
A token bucket implementation for simple rate limiting
The Rate Limiter with Token Bucket algorithm
Rate limiter implementing Token Bucket algorithm
Simple Bitbucket API client library for Elixir
Elixir Plug for Ralitobu, the Rate Limiter with Token Bucket algorithm
An Ueberauth strategy for using Bitbucket to authenticate your users.
Interval-bucketizing map.
A simple token bucket featuring multiple buckets with custom configurations, on-the-fly bucket creation and manual bucket depletion.
Gleam + Postgres token bucket rate limiting library
Elixir lib for Bitbucket v2.0 APIs.
A simple API to save and retrieve an object from the Amazon S3 storage bucket.
Gleam + Redis token bucket rate limiting library
Crawley is an elixir package that mine the Github API searching for repos to download and then zip and upload them to a S3 bucket.
Library for Leaky bucket Rate Limiter written in elixir (slide window leaky bucket algorithm)
MoreTime contains some helpful functions for operating on DateTime-like maps. These are useful for rounding and bucketing times in a stab...