Sensible helpers for authentication for Phoenix/Ecto.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Auth0 to authenticate your users.
Tools to make Elixir authentication simple and flexible
An Uberauth strategy for Paypal authentication.
Flexible authentication solution for Elixir/Phoenix with Guardian.
An Uberauth strategy for Strava authentication.
An Elixir WeChat Media Platform Authentication Client Library.
A simple authentication manager for Plug applications.
An Uberauth strategy for Vkontakte authentication.
Swiss army knife authentication framework for Elixir projects.
JSON Web Token library for use with the Openmaize authentication library.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Weibo to authenticate your users.
An Ueberauth strategy for LinkedIn authentication
An Uberauth strategy for VK authentication.
An Uberauth strategy for Spotify authentication.
Implementation of the Minecraft protocol in Elixir. Aims to provide functional ways to interact with the minecraft protocol on all levels...
Poly1305 message authentication
Authentication and authorization test support functions
Simple Plug to provide google based authentication. Just pass access_token received from client side google auth flow and this plug will ...
A connector for CouchDB with support for views and authentication.
An Ueberauth strategy for Fitbit OAuth2 authentication
An Uberauth strategy for Twitter authentication.
An Uberauth strategy for Google authentication.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Slack to authenticate your users
An Überauth strategy for Facebook authentication.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Github to authenticate your users.
An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications
Configurable user authentication for Phoenix
Basic Authentication Plug
A simple, secure, and highly configurable Elixir identity [username | email | id | etc.]/password authentication module; Compatible wit...