Resource management and processing
Library for selective receive OTP processes
Mix task to create a docker image of your application release. Installation: `mix archive.install hex edib` More detailed information a...
Mix tasks and library for converting jpeg, png, etc images to webp
Tool for turning Elixir apps into Docker images without a pain.
GenServer wrapper behaviour for pubsub between processes using pg2 and Phoenix PubSub (with any adapter) and a behaviour to create custom...
Integrate agents from the natural language processing service with Elixir
Conveniences for creating simple processes that hold state.
Dashboard and monitoring tools for Roger job processing system
A library to upload image, audio and video urls to Cloudinary.
Interfaces Elixir with C/C++ code in a user-friendly way! Based on Erlang-ports. Provides a few Mix-tasks to kickstart the development pr...
Unofficial Elixir client for processing payments through Beanstream.
Compile time content and data processing engine for markdown, json, yaml, and more.
Tool for create process for each user session in Phoenix.
Execute tasks without crashing the parent process.
An AWS SQS <-> SNS data processing pipeline built on Broadway.
GrassHopper is a tiny abstraction over GenServer, that helps building dynamically scheduled recursive processes. It allows to efficient...
Automatic migrations for Ecto as part of the application boot process
Business Process Execution Engine
A tool for working with base64 encoded images
Utility library for launching managed chrome processes
Elixir worker for Faktory (successor of Sidekiq); async/background queue processing
A behaviour module to process XML files
Stream standard I/O from system processes. Reliably reap, restrict and isolate system tasks: Stdio is a control plane for processes.
This is a flatbuffers implementation in Elixir. In contrast to existing implementations there is no need to compile code from a schem...
Track system processes across multiple instances over ssh connections
A PubSub implementation for Elixir, using PG2 (Erlang process groups).
A simple library for creating and managing reactive state through GenServer processes
Shared inter-process queues
AI Elixir convenience package to install Bumblebee, Nx, Explorer, Scholar, Image, Torch, Tensorflow etc. Inspired by npm -i ai