Powerful in-memory key/value storage for Elixir
Compatibility macros for Elixir v1.5+ child specifications
Elixir's coolest deprecation logger
Simple dot/bracket notation parsing/conversion for Maps/Lists
Make your ETS tables live forever
Simple process pooling and task submission
Easy delegation of internal function to a GenServer interface
Write once global flags for Erlang and Elixir
Lazy global initialization for Elixir, without state
Fast HyperLogLog implementation for Elixir/Erlang
Jump consistent hash implementation in Elixir
Easy local cluster creation to aid in unit testing
Handy logging plug for Elixir with IP and status support
Plugs with guaranteed effects in error handlers
A cross-platform file watcher for Elixir based on fswatch
Elixir implementation of the SipHash hash family
BEAM friendly spinlocks for Elixir/Erlang
Simple ETS backed key/value store for Elixir
Tiny JSON parser for Elixir
Generate unsafe (!) bindings for Elixir functions
Elixir MapReduce interfaces with Hadoop Streaming integration