A fast parser for the Bencoding spec.
Run tests in a distributed environment!
Send logs in batches via the elasticsearch bulk index api!
Parse exif and thumbnail data from jpeg/tiff images.
A wrapper around the HTTPoison.Base module for Cloudinary.
Call C# code from Elixir!
HMAC-based key derivation function.
Read CRGB data from TCS34725 sensors over I2c!
Create torrent files from single or multiple files.
Make announcements to torrent trackers via HTTP or UDP.
Vector clocks for distributed systems.
Get weather forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration!
As the NOAA is a United States government agency, only forecasts in the US are supported.
Manage Windows taskbar notification icons and send alerts.
All of the erlang wx macros exposed as normal functions.