
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
1 284 753

  • auto_linker1.0.0

    28 472 Downloads

    AutoLinker is a basic package for turning website names into links.

  • calliope0.4.2

    185 925 Downloads

    An Elixir library for parsing haml templates.

  • coherence0.8.0

    211 996 Downloads

    A full featured, configurable authentication and user management system for Phoenix.

  • cpu_util0.6.0

    126 070 Downloads

    Get CPU Utilization information on Linux systems.

  • etop0.7.0

    106 038 Downloads

    A Unix top like functionality for Elixir Applications.

  • ex_admin0.8.2

    15 957 Downloads

    An Elixir Phoenix Auto Administration Package.

  • ex_ami0.3.3

    1 556 Downloads

    An Elixir Asterisk AMI Client Library.

  • ex_queb1.0.1

    225 627 Downloads

    Ecto Filter Query Builder

  • exrm_rpm0.3.3

    8 281 Downloads

    Adds simple Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) generation to the exrm package manager. The generated RPM file includes the Elixir release and an init.d script to manage the project's service.

  • gen_fsm_helpers0.1.0


    A helper library for GenFSM.

  • gen_state_machine_helpers0.1.0

    1 470 Downloads

    A helper library for GenStateMachine.

  • phoenix_haml0.2.3

    88 385 Downloads

    Phoenix Template Engine for Haml

  • speak_ex0.3.0


    An Elixir framework for building telephony applications, inspired by Ruby's Adhearsion.

  • whatwasit0.2.1

    8 740 Downloads

    Track changes to your Ecto models.

  • xain0.6.2

    275 379 Downloads

    An html DSL package.

Stephen Pallen