
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
122 306

  • control0.1.0

    1 919 Downloads

    An exploratory look into functors, applicatives, and monads for Elixir.

  • http_router0.10.0

    9 452 Downloads

    HTTP Router with various macros to assist in developing your application and organizing your code

  • mandrill0.5.0

    55 262 Downloads

    A Mandrill wrapper for Elixir

    Requires an active account with Mandrill (

  • mandrillex0.2.0


    A Mandrill wrapper for Elixir

    Requires an active account with Mandrill (

  • placid0.3.0

    1 907 Downloads

    A REST toolkit for building highly-scalable and fault-tolerant HTTP APIs with Elixir

  • plugs0.1.1

    8 257 Downloads

    A collection of Plug middleware for web applications

  • pool0.0.2

    1 058 Downloads

    Socket acceptor pool

    Not ready for use at this time.

  • reverse_proxy0.3.1

    24 297 Downloads

    A Plug based reverse proxy server.

  • sap0.1.0


    Sap is a toolkit for Plug applications to accept and respond to HTTP requests by using a decision tree built with combinators.

  • sugar0.5.0

    9 335 Downloads

    Modular web framework

  • templates0.0.5

    7 633 Downloads

    A helper library for adding templating to web applications

  • web_socket0.1.0

    1 808 Downloads

    A quick start for using WebSockets in Plug applications.

Shane Logsdon