
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
294 640 564

  • asn1_compiler0.1.1

    101 429 Downloads

    A mix compiler for the ASN.1 format leveraging Erlang's `:asn1_ct`.

  • debounce1.0.0

    53 456 Downloads

    A process-based debouncer for Elixir

  • ecto3.12.4

    120 198 288 Downloads

    A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query for Elixir

  • env0.2.0

    60 572 Downloads

    Env is an improved application configuration reader for Elixir.

  • erlfmt1.5.0

    3 976 259 Downloads

    erlfmt is an opinionated Erlang code formatter

  • jason1.4.4

    168 836 625 Downloads

    A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir.

  • jason_native0.1.0

    10 734 Downloads

    A NIF-based native components for JASON - blazing fast JSON parser and generator for Elixir.

  • persistent_ets0.2.2

    231 128 Downloads

    Ets table backed by a persistence file

  • phoenix_etag0.1.0

    50 380 Downloads

    Conditional request (ETag & modified-since) support for Phoenix.

  • plug_attack0.4.3

    1 106 787 Downloads

    A plug building toolkit for blocking and throttling abusive requests.

  • plug_webhook0.1.0


    Simple tool for building plugs that handle wehbooks and verify signature.

  • rest_auth2.0.0

    13 557 Downloads

    A comprehensive ACL declarative package.

  • simple_format0.1.0

    1 157 Downloads

    Rail's simple_format helper for Phoenix.HTML