Blacklist check with Akismet API implementation using Tesla
FCM Client for Snatch
Kafka Client for Snatch
AMQP Client for Snatch
REST Client for Snatch
I18n for countries
Currency Converter API
DataBase Interface for Erlang
DataBase Interface for Elixir
DataBase Interface for Erlang using MySQL
DataBase Interface for Erlang using PostgreSQL (pgo)
DataBase Interface for Erlang using PostgreSQL
DataBase Interface for Erlang using SQLite
Logstash library to send information using UDP or TCP avoiding bottlenecks
Erlang PHP Interpreter
PHP Template for Phoenix Framework
Exchange Rates API
A set of Erlang utilities for the Olson timezone database files
An Erlang Balancer and Process Distributor
Memory handling for hashs and references
MySQL Protocol Server
REAM is an event sourcing system
A rebar3 plugin for edown.
An Erlang Lightweight XMPP Client library
Snatch PHP
Test Framework for Erlang Lightweight XMPP Client library
SOX Erlang Library
SQL Parser
Trooper is an Automation Basic Tool
Unicode utf-8 functions
An Erlang INI parser