Argon2 password hashing for Gleam.
A cross platform library for getting the command line arguments
An Atom feed builder for Gleam
Atomic mutable int arrays for Gleam!
An AWS Signature Version 4 client implementation, used for S3 auth, etc
A package of Erlang files and a .app.src file
A package of Erlang files and a .app.src file
A package of Erlang files and a .app.src file, with deps
Buzzing Gleam bindings to the Erlang bcrypt hashing library
Gleam S3 API client, suitable for AWS S3, Garage, Minio, Storj, Backblaze B2, Cloudflare R2, Ceph, Wasabi, and so on!
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) in Gleam
An Elixir web micro-framework, inspired by Sinatra
Build YAML in Gleam!
Ergonomic dynamic decoders for Gleam!
A code style linter for Elixir, powered by shame.
Base64 is so 1999, isn't there something better?
A middleware that encodes and decodes JSON for Elli apps
A zero dependency cross platform Gleam package for reading environment variables
A tiny package for dealing with exceptions
An opinionated Elixir source code formatter
Work with file paths in Gleam!
The first library published with the Gleam build tool
Type safe HTML form decoding and validation!
Extract frontmatter from text documents!
A Gleam source code parser, in Gleam!
Gleam bindings to the API of the Gatus health check tool
Hello, world!
Templates in Gleam using bbmustache
Bitwise operations on integers
bson encoder and decoder for gleam
A CORS middleware for Gleam
Run Gleam HTTP services with the Cowboy web server
A Gleam cryptography library supporting Erlang and JavaScript
Nothing here yet...
A double-ended queue data structure
Run Gleam HTTP services with the Elli web server
A Gleam library...
A Gleam library for working with Erlang
A standard library for the Gleam programming language
Make HTTP requests in Gleam JavaScript with Fetch
Gleam bindings to the Hackney HTTP client
Gleam dynamic decoders for the API of Hex, the package manager for the BEAM ecosystem.
Nothing here yet...
Types and functions for Gleam HTTP clients and servers
Gleam bindings to Erlang's built in HTTP client, httpc
Work with JavaScript types and values in Gleam, including promises!
Work with JSON in Gleam
A mongodb driver for gleam
Nothing here yet...
Fault tolerant multicore Gleam programs with OTP
Work with Gleam's package interfaces
Gleam bindings to the PGO PostgreSQL client
A Gleam HTTP service adapter for the Plug web application interface
Regular expressions in Gleam!
Send emails from Gleam with SendGrid
A Gleam project
A standard library for the Gleam programming language
A Gleam library...
A Gleam library...
Work with time in Gleam!
Nothing here yet...
Nothing to see here yet!
Unfold values on-demand from a function
Bundle your Gleam-on-Erlang project into an escript, a single executable file!
Gleam bindings to Erlang's EUnit test framework
Work with Liberapay in Gleam!
Many tiny shiny things that'll never go away
Generate functions from your Gleam code!
Types and functions for working with GPSD's JSON API
A tiny GPX builder for Gleam
A package that prints hello!
A tiny HTML builder for Gleam
Gleam bindings to htmerl, the fast and memory efficient Erlang HTML SAX parser.
Convert regular HTML markup into Lustre syntax
An ICalendar file generator
Bindings to the JavaScript DOMParser API
Mutable references for Gleam JavaScript
A parser for Djot, a markdown-like language
Work with JSON using a schema! RFC8927
Convert between snake_case, camelCase, and other cases in Gleam
Configuration for the Erlang logger
The last-write-wins register CRDT
A MIME types library for Gleam
Compile Gleam code with mix
Automatically run tests when files change
A TCP client for Gleam!
Gleam bindings to gun, the HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket client
Bindings to Node's TCP socket client
A handy library for colouring strings.
A durable Postgresql backed job queue
Phoenix Template Engine for Slim-like templates
A plug builder for redirecting requests.
A PostgreSQL database client for Gleam, based on PGO
Porter word stemming in Gleam
Porter Stemming Algorithm Implementation in Erlang
Wait for Erlang processes to exit
A logger handler that sends error logs to Pushover
A very limited RDMS query builder library
Ordinals for numbers, e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Build Gleam projects with rebar3
Call a function repeatedly with a delay between each call
Rihanna is a database-backed job queue.
Convert numbers to Roman numerals and back.
A FABULOUS Gleam library
An Elixir library for rendering slim templates.
An Elixir library for rendering Slim-like templates.
A boilerplate-free ad-hoc error type
Animated progress spinners for your console
Use SQLite from Gleam!
A simple on-disc JSON based data store
Binding to Starling Bank's API
Inspect the status of running systemd units
A tool for managing application env state within tests.
A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Erlang.
A pure Gleam TOML parser!
Basic exhaustiveness checking of unions.
A Gleam client for the Pushover push notification API
A practical web framework for Gleam
A tiny XML builder for Gleam
Using plain old SQL to query databases
Generate and parse UUIDs
A wrapper for ZeptoMail's transactional email API