
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
135 565 343

  • calecto0.17.0

    181 295 Downloads

    Library for using Calendar with Ecto. Made for Ecto version older than 2.1. This lets you save Calendar types in Ecto and work with date-times in multiple timezones.

  • calendar1.0.0

    2 766 018 Downloads

    Calendar is a datetime library for Elixir.

    Timezone support via its sister package `tzdata`.

    Safe parsing and formatting of standard formats (ISO, RFC, etc.), strftime formatting. Extendable through protocols.

  • kalecto0.3.3

    3 501 Downloads

    Library for using Kalends with Ecto. This lets you save Kalends types in Ecto and work with date-times in multiple timezones.

  • kalends0.6.5

    7 358 Downloads

    Kalends is a datetime library in pure Elixir with up-to-date timezone support using the Olson database.

  • phoenix_calendar0.1.2

    75 563 Downloads

    Integration between Phoenix & Calendar

  • time_seer0.0.6

    1 923 Downloads

    TimeSeer is an Elixir library for parsing dates and times and returning Erlang style date and time tuples. Eg. "15:12:07" "2:42pm" "24/12/2014" will become {15,12,7}, {14,42,0}, and {2014,12,24} respectively.

  • tzdata1.1.3

    132 528 106 Downloads

    Tzdata is a parser and library for the tz database.

  • yahoo_fx0.2.0

    1 579 Downloads

    YahooFx is an Elixir library for getting currency exchange rates from Yahoo Finance