Tired of forever converting back and forwards between degrees and radians? Well worry no more; Angle is here to make your life simple!
Elixir client for Apostle.io.
Authentication extension for the Ash Framework.
Phoenix integration for Ash Authentication
A CubDB data layer for `Ash` resources.
Implements the Balena supervisor APIs for on-device consumption
Implements MIDI framing for Serial ports connected via Circuits.UART.
Community Theatre helps you put on shows when you don't have the resources to be on Broadway.
Implements standard card decks for Elixir-based card games.
Simple implementation of standard animation easing functions.
A G-code parser and generator.
Small composable Heap implementation. Heaps sort elements at insert time.
Provides a driver for INA219-based voltage and current sensors connected via I2C
Tools for working with IP addresses and networks.
Dynamic, runtime configuration for your Elixir app
A Phoenix LiveDashboard page for inspecting your Lamina configurations
LexLuthor is a Lexer in Elixir (say that 10 times fast) which uses macros to generate a reusable lexers. Good times.
Driver for the MAX17040 and MAX17041 lithium battery monitoring ICs
Parsing and encoding of MIDI messages. Bring your own transport.
Driver for the MPL3115A2 altimeter connected via I2C.
A mix compiler task for neotoma PEG files
Driver for PCA9641 2-channel I2C bus master arbiter chip
Driver for PCA9685 16 channel 12-bit PWM driver connected via I2C
A real-time time series database.
A real-time time series database - command line client.
A real-time time series database.
Bayeux compatible server written in Elixir.
ETS storage backend for Pixie, Elixir's Bayeux server.
An asynchronous, graph-based execution engine
A Reactor extension which provides steps for working with the filesystem.
A Reactor extension which provides steps for working with supervisors.
A Reactor extension which provides steps for working with `Req`.
Test factories for Ash resources.
Provides a driver for SSD1306-based monochrome displays connected via I2C
Generates random tokens from arbitrary character sets.
Simple 2D rendering graphics rendering library.
Generate PNG files with Vivid.
Wafer is an Elixir library to make writing drivers for i2c and SPI connected peripherals and interacting with GPIO pins easier.
A runtime-configurable HTTP reverse proxy based on Bandit.