
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
6 877 812

  • cowrie0.5.0

    1 980 Downloads

    Simple stylable formatting for your CLI, Terminal, or Shell output

  • dotenvy1.0.1

    765 322 Downloads

    A port of the original dotenv Ruby gem, for mix and releases. Facilitates runtime config per the 12-factor App.

  • dotenvy_generators0.9.0


    Generators for Elixir apps using Dotenvy for config including variants of the phx_new generators

  • figlet0.3.2


    An Elixir implementation of Figlets: lets you write huge ASCII letters!

  • inspecto0.4.0

    1 064 Downloads

    Inspecto (Inspect + Ecto) is a utility that helps inspect and summarize your Ecto schemas for documentation or other tools that require convenient reflection.

  • iso_lang0.4.0

    2 716 Downloads

    Formalizes interface for ISO-639 language codes and assists with language-code conversion

  • logger_file_backend0.0.14

    6 032 577 Downloads

    Simple logger backend that writes to a file

  • permutation0.2.0

    66 050 Downloads

    Permutation is a package and protocol for calculating the possible permutations or combinations of an Enumerable.

  • pockets1.6.0

    2 403 Downloads

    Pockets is an Elixir wrapper around Erlang :ets and :dets, a disk-based term storage. It offers a simple key/value store with a familiar interface. This is a simple alternative to :mnesia or Redis.

  • rich_text_html_renderer0.1.0


    Converts rich text fields from the Contentful API into HTML

  • stripper1.4.0

    3 072 Downloads

    A package for normalizing string input from unpredictable sources (such as web scraping)

  • tacocat0.3.0


    Playful text manipulations and animations including Nyan Cat, upside down, backwards, and Bon Iver!

  • xfile0.4.0

    1 454 Downloads

    Augmentations of the File module, including the ability to list files recursively, grep for patterns, stream output, and filter files programmatically.

  • xray1.2.0


    Offers utility functions for inspecting string binaries and code points

Everett Griffiths