Simple stylable formatting for your CLI, Terminal, or Shell output
A port of the original dotenv Ruby gem, for mix and releases. Facilitates runtime config per the 12-factor App.
Generators for Elixir apps using Dotenvy for config including variants of the phx_new generators
An Elixir implementation of Figlets: lets you write huge ASCII letters!
Inspecto (Inspect + Ecto) is a utility that helps inspect and summarize your Ecto schemas for documentation or other tools that require convenient reflection.
Formalizes interface for ISO-639 language codes and assists with language-code conversion
Simple logger backend that writes to a file
Permutation is a package and protocol for calculating the possible permutations or combinations of an Enumerable.
Pockets is an Elixir wrapper around Erlang :ets and :dets, a disk-based term storage. It offers a simple key/value store with a familiar interface. This is a simple alternative to :mnesia or Redis.
Converts rich text fields from the Contentful API into HTML
A package for normalizing string input from unpredictable sources (such as web scraping)
Playful text manipulations and animations including Nyan Cat, upside down, backwards, and Bon Iver!
Augmentations of the File module, including the ability to list files recursively, grep for patterns, stream output, and filter files programmatically.
Offers utility functions for inspecting string binaries and code points