address formatting implemetation
bcryptrs is a drop in replacement for bcrypt_elixir that does not require C compiler
Implements a basic card deck
This package includes custom dbg functions
ExChroma is a collection of modules that help you perform operations on colors It is influenced by chroma.js
ex_final_fusion allows to read word embeddings in formats: finalfusion, fastText, floret, GloVe, word2vec
Helper library to connect to Frontier radios Also known under the name Frontier Silicon
ex_keyword_extraction is an elixir wrapper for keyword_extraction crate - it includes the following algorithms: TF-IDF, Rake, TextRank
ex_stemmers wraps the rust-stemmers crate
ex_text_splitter wraps the rust crate text-splitter. It allows to divide text into chunks
Decode garmin fit files using rustler and fitparser crate
A tool for pseudolocalizing Gettext translations in Elixir applications. Helps identify hardcoded strings, character encoding issues, and UI problems by converting ASCII characters to similar-looking Unicode characters with text expansion simulation.
Hexdump makes it easier to work with binary data.
Library that simpilfies working with mbtiles files to use it you need to specify the mbtiles path in your config
config :mbtiles, :mbtiles_path, 'priv/test.mbtiles'
mdka is a html to markdown converter using mdka-rs crate
Task for patching dependencies after downloading from hex, before compilation. This is an alternative for creating github forks and can be used without git installed. The only dependency is the `patch` command.
OpenTelemetry integration for SQLCommenter and Ecto, adding telemetry context to SQL queries
Library that generates short links for the given coordinates
iex> OsmShortlink.generate_link(51.5110,0.0550, 9) "" iex> OsmShortlink.link_to_coordinates("") {51.510772705078125, 0.054931640625}
Implements poker game logic
Simple library that adds a piping possibility for easy returning from pipe chains
socket = socket |> assign(valid: true)
{:noreply, socket}
to write as:
socket |> assign(valid: true) |> noreply()
or: iex> "34" |> between_strings("12", "56") "123456"
RFC 1123 date time parser
Formatter that omits the same fields when showing left/right diff
Serialize and deserilze sqlcommenter data in sql queries
returns stop words for the given language
Package for parsing ps output to maps
URL formatter for openstreetmap tags
Calculate word rankings using tf_idf algorithm
use tm1638 with nerves
An a fork of Unleash Feature Flag client for Elixir with additional feature"
Original project can be found [here]{}
UUUIDv7 stands for microUUIDv7 - a version 7 UUID with submicrosecond precision