
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
586 196

  • beeline1.1.5

    4 311 Downloads

    a tool for building in-order GenStage topologies for EventStoreDB

  • beeline_appsignal1.0.2

    3 077 Downloads

    an Appsignal exporter for Beeline telemetry

  • beeline_honeycomb1.0.2

    3 366 Downloads

    a exporter for Beeline telemetry

  • bless1.2.1

    53 537 Downloads

    A mix task for running test suites

  • chaps1.0.0

    25 480 Downloads

    100% code coverage testing tool forked from parroty/excoveralls

  • ethyl0.2.0


    A pure, non-general subset of Elixir

  • event_store_db_gpb_protobufs2.4.0

    20 426 Downloads

    gpb generated protobuf definitions for EventStoreDB v20+

  • fob1.0.5

    10 532 Downloads

    A minimalistic keyset pagination library for Ecto queries

  • harness0.8.2

    69 678 Downloads

    A command line tool for harnessing Elixir boilerplate

  • kelvin1.0.1

    4 165 Downloads

    GenStage/Broadway producers for Extreme

  • slipstream1.1.1

    365 095 Downloads

    A slick websocket client for Phoenix channels

  • slipstream_honeycomb0.2.1


    An adapter between slipstream telemetry and honeycomb events

  • spear1.4.0

    21 757 Downloads

    A sharp EventStoreDB 20+ client backed by mint

  • volley1.0.1

    4 133 Downloads

    GenStage producers for EventStoreDB 20+ with Spear

Relay Cuatrobuild