
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
3 012 014

  • base_58_check1.0.0

    276 631 Downloads

    Base58Check and Base58 encoding/decoding for Elixir

  • buffer0.3.12

    481 694 Downloads

    Provide read and write buffers for Elixir

  • credo_sonarqube0.1.3

    738 127 Downloads

    Add option to credo to generate sonarqube generic issue file

  • crypto_compare_copy0.1.1

    3 802 Downloads

    CryptoCompare Elixir API client

  • crypto_ext0.1.4

    1 601 Downloads

    Crypto lib extension to support AES 128 ECB cipher

  • discourse_api0.1.2

    19 372 Downloads

    WIP discourse API lib

  • discourse_api_copy0.1.4

    43 620 Downloads

    WIP discourse API lib

  • discourse_copy0.0.1

    43 186 Downloads

    Simple Discourse library including SSO support.

  • ex_crypto_copy0.10.0

    213 160 Downloads

    A wrapper around the Erlang Crypto module with sensible defaults for common tasks.

  • ex_unit_sonarqube0.1.3

    557 093 Downloads

    Generate a generic test execution file for SonarQube

  • excoveralls_poncho0.14.4

    7 818 Downloads

    Coverage report tool for Elixir with integration.

  • hbasex0.1.6

    1 962 Downloads

    A HBase driver for Elixir using HBase Rest and Thrift Interface (v2)

  • http_client0.2.5

    351 694 Downloads

    Httpoison boosted with telemetry, mox and ex_rated.

  • http_client_copy0.2.2


    Httpoison boosted with telemetry and mox.

  • ipstack0.1.2

    60 894 Downloads

    ipstack lib

  • paper_trail_copy0.10.12

    68 562 Downloads

    Track and record all the changes in your database. Revert back to anytime in history.

  • scrypt_elixir_copy0.1.1

    10 052 Downloads

    Native Elixir wrapper for the Scrypt KDF

  • segment_tree0.1.0

    1 387 Downloads

    Give a data structure to efficiently compute an operation on ranges.

  • waffle_gcs_copy0.1.2

    131 216 Downloads

    Google Cloud Storage integration for Waffle file uploader library.