A page builder annex CMS made by Fish on Fire
Phoenix components for Phosphoricons!
A kino for rendering fully-styled function and live components in Livebook
Asset pipeline for Phoenix app
Phoenix Live Components for Elixir WebRTC
Tabler Icons as Phoenix.Component. Strongly inspired by heroicons elixir package.
Provides a set of icons for Elixir projects using TailwindCSS
Phoenix components for Font Awesome!
A dashboard framework for Phoenix Live View
Execute PhoenixTest cases in an actual browser via Playwright.
A PoC for single-file components for Phoenix LiveView
Inertiajs adapter for Elixir Phoenix
Media queries for responsive design in Phoenix LiveView. Heavily inspired by react-responsive.
ExUssd lets you create simple, flexible, and customizable USSD interface.
LiveView TimeTravel debugger allows you to record and replay your LiveView's lifecycle as you interact with the page
The easiest way to make a LiveView REPL
Download and warehouse historical trading data
A sortable, paginated table as a LiveView component, that integrates with Ash
Helpers for rendering components from front-end frameworks in Phoenix
ReflectOS Console is a web app that allows users to arrange their ReflectOS dashboard, configure section, switch layouts and much more. ...
Extension driven superpowers for Phoenix Routes
A simple Mix task that generates Phoenix Components from Font Awesome SVG files.
Squid is a framework that helps you divide your application into multiple small contexts and/or applications called `tentacles`.
Contentful sync API client for Elixir.
FLIP animations of elements within LiveView
ReflectOS Core contains the set of sections, layouts, and layout managers which ship with the prebuild ReflectOS Firmware.
A collection of helpers to work with DOM in tests.
Phoenix components for Remix Icon!
LiveView client for the Hangman Game.
A Phoenix LiveView compatible file dropzone.