High performance animations for Phoenix LiveView.
Putting the best the BEAM has to offer, right in your Phoenix Live Dashboard
Arke server
A Verk dashboard
Remote controlled frontend framework for Phoenix.
Solicit provides opinionated helpers for Phoenix APIs
BlueBird generates API documentation from annotations in controllers actions and tests cases.
Adds authentication and authorization to a Phoenix project. A user can login with a username and password held in the DB or against an L...
Phoenix Playground makes it easy to create single-file Phoenix applications
Elixir Keycloak integration, based on plugs and macroses. Mostly compatible with phoenix apps
A library for analysing absinthe GraphQL runtime usage.
A handy tool for all your administrative needs.
A page builder annex CMS made by Fish on Fire
A kino for rendering fully-styled function and live components in Livebook
Thesis is a lightweight bolt-on content editing system for Phoenix websites.
Elixir interfaces to Kujira dApps, for building indexers, APIs and bots
A plug and play package for using Turbolinks with Elixir web frameworks
Add recurring billing to your Phoenix application
Passkey authentication for Phoenix LiveView applications.
A package to make custom elements and Phoenix LiveView so happy together
Phoenix Template Engine for Haml
A Small collection of functions to make easier render schema's fields with its associations.
StripeMock is a Stripe mock server written with Elixir and Phoenix.
A newtype abstraction for Elixir
List helpers used in other upcoming packages under mavuio/*
Phoenix template engine for Expug
Generate structured logs from telemetry events with built-in support for popular libraries
Execute PhoenixTest cases in an actual browser via Playwright.
Tailwind Live Components is a set of HEEX components that builds LiveView components with Tailwind 2.0+
Make your life in Phoenix easier