A convenience library to spawn plug router with your application for testing purposes
Multi port HTTP Proxy and support record/play request.
HTTP Router with various macros to assist in developing your application and organizing your code
HTTP Signature Verification in Elixir.
honeycomb.io Phoenix plug to assist in tracing
A multi-headed beast: API gateway, request cache, and data transformations
HTMX utilities for Elixir
A macro-powered HTML renderer
A set of tools to help you translate your Elixir applications
Wrapper for the Ibanity API
Iconer lets you manager your svg icons without depending on any external service in a simple web interface.
Plug that makes POST and PATCH requests idempotent
Set HTTP headers to work inside an iframe.
An approachable image processing library primarily based upon Vix and libvips that is NIF-based, fast, multi-threaded, pipelined and has ...
An Elixir Plug parser for image direct upload.
Collection of common IndieWeb utilites like authorship resolution, Webmention, post type discovery and IndieAuth.
The Inertia.js adapter for Elixir/Phoenix.
Inertiajs adapter for Elixir Phoenix
A simple web framework that serves from the filesystem using Simplates!
Elixir SDK for Inngest
Plugs for reporting trace data to Instana
Restrict access to a Plug-based application using IP and CIDR access lists.
Plug based health check provided as macros.
JSON API Building Blocks Assembly for Elixir
A behaviour for defining JSON-API spec controllers in Phoenix. Lets you focus on your data, not on boilerplate controller code. Like Web...
A serialization library implementing the jsonapi.org 1.0 spec suitable for use building JSON APIs in Phoenix and any other Plug based fra...
The extended tools for the Jet Team.
The Jet Plugin SDK
JWT (JSON Web Token) library for Elixir.
A full REST JSON API with zero coding, powered by Elixir. It is intended to be used as a command-line tool (just run mix escript.build ...