Mishka Installer is a system plugin manager and run time installer for elixir.
Asset pipeline for Phoenix app
A work-in-progress adapter to integrate Electric SQL's streaming updates into Phoenix.
A LiveDashboard page for browsing the data in your Ecto Repo
A command palette for LiveView
A Phoenix LiveView app, similar to typesense-dashboard app in the Docker Compose, which uses open_api_typesense
A Phoenix LiveDashboard which uses open_api_typesense
Extensible plotting library and core plotting routines written in pure Elixir.
A admin UI for Phoenix applications built with LiveView
Simple Useful Utility functions for my other upcoming packages under mavuio/*
ReflectOS Console is a web app that allows users to arrange their ReflectOS dashboard, configure section, switch layouts and much more. ...
ReflectOS Core contains the set of sections, layouts, and layout managers which ship with the prebuild ReflectOS Firmware.
Prometheus metrics and Grafana dashboards for all of your favorite Elixir libraries
An Elixir Phoenix component library inspired by [Tremor](https://www.tremor.so/) - The react library to build dashboards fast.
Simple LiveView components for inline editing
Flexible data table component for LiveView
User-friendly translations manager for Elixir/Phoenix projects.
Phoenix component that utilizes Lea Verou's autocomplete autosuggest accessible (WCAG 2) Awesomplete widget, featuring dynamic data loading
Helpers for rendering components from front-end frameworks in Phoenix
List helpers used in other upcoming packages under mavuio/*
A library for analysing absinthe GraphQL runtime usage.
Phoenix components for Phosphoricons!
Squid is a framework that helps you divide your application into multiple small contexts and/or applications called `tentacles`.
A collection of Elixir phoenix helpers for bitstyles
A component based library for Phoenix LiveView
Phoenix Playground makes it easy to create single-file Phoenix applications
Redux-toolkit style state management in Phenix LiveView
User friendly customizable query syntax
LivePhone is a Phoenix LiveComponent for phone number input fields, with international support.
A component library for Phoenix LiveView using Tailwind CSS