Wafer is an Elixir library to make writing drivers for i2c and SPI connected peripherals and interacting with GPIO pins easier.
Grove module support for Nerves.
AXP209 PMIC interface for Elixir (C.H.I.P. Power Management IC)
Driver for PCA9641 2-channel I2C bus master arbiter chip
Use Dexter Industries' GrovePi+ and GrovePiZero boards and many Grove sensors.
Provides a driver for INA219-based voltage and current sensors connected via I2C
Driver for the MPL3115A2 altimeter connected via I2C.
Provides a driver for SSD1306-based monochrome displays connected via I2C
OTP application for reading the BNO-055 absolute orientation sensor. Euler angles are read at 20hz and published to a configured local...
Hex package to use character matrix LCD displays including HD44780 in your Elixir/nerves projects. Uses elixir_ale for IO.
Driver for PCA9685 16 channel 12-bit PWM driver connected via I2C
Elixir implementation of the pyhton motor_hat library from Adafruit for there motor_hat board. Library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adaf...
Exred node to control a SunFounder PiCar
Hex package to use 8x8 LED matrix or 7-segment displays with MAX72XX microchip in Elixir/Nerves projects. Uses elixir_ale SPI protocol fo...
RFM69 is a library to handle sub-GHz wireless packet communication via an RFM69 chip.
A library to read a DS3231 Real time clock module I've only tested this with a raspberry pi a+ and a sunfounder ds3231 board.
SubgRfspy is a library to handle sub-GHz wireless packet communication via a TI cc1110 chip running subg_rfspy.
Sends data to a RaspberryPi GPIO pin
An application to demonstrate how one might write an OTP-compliant GenServer Application for an IoT device accessed with ElixirALE
Reads data from RaspberryPi GPIO pins
OTP application for reading the HMC5883L 3-axis magnetometer. Magnetic heading is read at approx. 13hz (every 75ms)
Ledx is a simple library for interfacing with LEDs on embedded platforms.
Read CRGB data from TCS34725 sensors over I2c!
Module to control the LED-Backpack HT16K33 by Adafruit over I2C. Including Submodules to controll specific Adafruit LEDs lik the Seven Se...
This is a module for transmitter data using LoRa Radios. Radios: Semtech SX1276/77/78/79 based boards.
Driver for the MAX17040 and MAX17041 lithium battery monitoring ICs
Elixir driver for the SHT3x (SHT30, SHT31, SHT35) series temperature and humidity sensors from Sensirion.