Modbus for network and serial communication, this library implements TCP (Client & Server) and RTU (Master & Slave) protocols.
Mobile connection support for VintageNet
Use Bluetooth LE in Elixir
An Elixir implementation of the Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP).
BlueHeron Transport for UART-connected BT modules
Serial device terminal emulator for Elixir to be ran inside of IEx
An Elixir Bluetooth HCI data binding.
A Mix task to generate code from a MAVLink xml definition file, and an application that enables communication with other systems ...
An OTP application for reading and parsing GPS data written in Elixir. Will attach to an serial port, and provide positions to subscriber...
Yet another MODBUS library, supporting both TCP and RTU, providing gateway functionality.
A pure Elixir implementation of the ThingMagic Mercury SDK
Hardware Abstraction Layer for Nerves Devices
Utility functions build for use with the Via autopilot.
AVR is a library to upload a firmware into AVR microcontrollers
Make phone calls using AT commands.
Develop on embedded devices with Livebook and Nerves
Use DYP-A01 ultrasonic distance sensor in Elixir
A Mix task to generate code from a MAVLink xml definition file, and an application that enables communication with other systems ...
Implements MIDI framing for Serial ports connected via Circuits.UART.
Framing module for PMS7003 implementing Circuits.UART.Framing behaviour.
Construct or deconstruct messages that conform to U-blox UBX binary protocol.
Driver for interfacing with Robotis Dynamixel servos.
Elixir package for communicating with 32-bit Numato GPIO module
Read and write audio over serial port.
Elixir library to work with the NXP PN532 RFID module.
A Elixir library to retrieve CO2 concentration value from MH-Z19 sensor.
Testing library for mocking Circuits libraries through a sequence of steps.
A hex package to control the Fona 808 shield by Adafruit Industries now updated for Circuits UART
Driver for interfacing with the RPLidar A1 360-degree LiDAR sensor
A framework for using Seeed Studio's Grove System, a standardized hardware prototyping system, with Elixir on embedded hardware with Nerves.