An Überauth strategy for Stripe authentication.
Elixir wrapper for Logic Monitor REST api. Uses LMv1 API Token Authentication.
Fast, lightweight, cryptographically secure app authentication
An Uberauth strategy for Notion authentication.
An Überauth strategy for using Foursquare to authenticate users
APIac Elixir plug that implements RFC7523 client JWT authentication
An Ueberauth strategy for using Pocket to authenticate your users.
Evernote API client for Elixir NOTE: Everex is UNDER DEVELOPMENT, and is NOT ready for production use. Feedback and contributions (via p...
A simple authentication library.
Server utils to automate common tasks like pagination or authentication
k8s_conf parses Kubernetes config files and generates HTTP headers and options for authenticating to the Kubernetes API.
An HTTP API client authentication scheme based on RSA signatures.
user authentication library
An Ueberauth strategy for LinkedIn V2 authentication
JWT authentication using Absinthe + Guardian
Flexible, lightweight and productive authentication for Plug, Phoenix and Ecto projects
An Uberauth strategy for Strava authentication.
An Ueberauth strategy for using to authenticate your users.
An APIac authenticator plug for API authentication using the HTTP Bearer scheme
An Ueberauth strategy for authenticating your application with Ecwid.
An Ueberauth strategy for Withings OAuth2 authentication
Ueberauth strategy for Active Directory authentication
Library for authenticating keys matching on Redis instance.
An elixir module for doing HTTP digest authentication using erlang httpc
An Ueberauth strategy for using Weibo to authenticate your users.
Plug for HTTP authentication
OAuth2 Strategy to authenticate with
Surveys API client library. Creates and conducts surveys, lists the surveys that an authenticated user owns, and retrieves survey results...
An Ueberauth strategy for using Orcid to authenticate your users via OAuth2.
MojoAuth is a set of standard approaches to cross-app authentication based on HMAC.